r/EntitledPeople - New Karen Neighbors Think They OWN MY HOME! Steals My BACKYARD!

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r/entitledpeople - In this episode of entitled people it's all about nightmare Karen neighbors! OP tells a story about the time a nightmare Karen neighbor moved in next door and thinks they own OP's house! OP comes home one day to find construction crews working to remove her fence and it only gets worse from there! Subscribe for future entitled Karen neighbor stories!

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👱🏼‍♀️ One of my favorite Entitled People stories! [Karen Tries to Pull Off a Customer's Face Mask! Gets Taught a Lesson]

Stories in this episode of Reddit Entitled People:

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Story 1 (sassylynn81)
4:57 - Story 2 (lisab2266)
8:49 - Story 3 (ihasbutter4)
11:32 - Story 4 (controversial_jelly)
15:56 - Story 5 (Submitted by Ayduc)
20:00 - Story 6 (YouMightKnowMeMate)

#karenstories #funnykarenstories #entitledpeople
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Christ. If I'd done that with someone else's toy/property, both of my parents would have flayed me alive.


Story 3 - Wow… that was crazy. A Karen attacking an 11 year old boy for refusing to give HIS bike to her thieving daughter?! I hope that she stays locked up. I will say that I’m happy to hear that the daughter changed for the better and apologized to OP. Good for her.


Story 1. I would have called the cops right there in front of the dad and reported the theft and destruction of property. Those two kids are gonna piss off the wrong person when they get older and end up with a criminal record and possibly in prison


Story 1: For some, especially those living on a tight budget, the terms "only" and "$40.00" are not compatible and don't belong in the same sentence. The father of the neighbor kids should be ashamed to have raised children who behave that way.


I had a 'neighbor' that tried stealing my children's basketball goal. He was dragging it into his truck as I was pulling into my driveway, as I was just getting off work (I was an armed security guard at the time). I asked him what he thought he was doing, and he actually had the audacity to tell me he was taking it because he never sees anyone using it when he drives down my street. I told him I had a long night so I wasn't dealing with his stupidity, and that he had 10secs to put my children's goal back where it was. (The next part I'm not particularly proud of) At that point he said "What are you gonna do, call the cops? I'll be gone by the time they get here." and I told him "No, I'm gonna call an ambulance and let them know there's a gunshot victim in my driveway" as I unholstered my firearm (I still had my service pistol on me). He very quickly put the goal back and sped off. I still called law enforcement, but I forgot to get a look at the license plate as I was tired from shift so they couldn't do much, but I still wanted the situation reported. Never saw him or his truck on my street again for the rest of the time I lived at that house. Guess he got the hint...


Story 1: Those kids are not gonna last long in the future. They’ll piss of the wrong person.


Story 1. After getting paid for the daycare, the nice lady should tell the ED that his kids are no longer allowed at her daycare. And if he just dumps them and run, I'd call the cops for child abandonment.


I had a neighbor that told me my house was built on the property line and my chimney hung over in her air space. She ran got her mgmt papers and shoved them in my face (she almost got punched). I laughed at her and said that isn't a survey. Before I put a fence up I had the my property surveyed, they found all the original pins too. When she came home from work you should've seen her head spin.


I have a rose garden. I can't decide if I'm appalled or amazed at his appropriate revenge. LOLOL


All of these neighbors annoy me, especially when they decide to harm children. Very few things are sacred to me, but children are second only to family on that list.


Story number 1, after the kids looked at their father and said no the second time...cool, cops are called. No more problems here. But Thank the heavens for the daycare neighbor.


Okay that daycare neighbor moves in the shadows xD beautiful


If you left it out, you deserve to lose it story: When I graduated high school, my aunt gave me a check for a 20.00 gift for graduating with honors. I stuck it in my billfold, but before I could cash it, I accidentally left the wallet in my pants when I washed my clothes, and the check basically dissolved. My folks called my aunt to let her know, since the check would not clear, and told her to not give me another one to teach me a lesson. I could have really used that 20.00. Cue about 5 years later. My dad had one of those huge bill folds that had a chain on it to attach to his belt loop. He would take payments on his route and many were in check form. He left it in his pocket, and mom didn't see it when she dumped the clothes in the washer. And all the checks were ruined. It was a nightmare to call all the people and get them to issue another check. Dad, who always put his pants in the clothes hamper, blamed mom, because she didn't check his pants before she put them in the washer. I don't know why he didn't call the people and let them know the checks wouldn't clear, but don't worry about issuing another one as he would pay for it, because he needed to learn a lesson. Really strange how that shoe fits on the other foot.. No?


One of the biggest problems living in a senior community is that there is always more than one Karen/Kevin. In many cases, there are several of them. My sister and I moved into such a community. Please understand, we were given no prior indication life would be so filled up with a plethora of old-age busy-bodies, with nothing better to do, as everyone prior to our closing seemed so warm and welcoming.

For months my sister and I had to contend with a barrage of annoying neighbors demanding one thing or another. "Your music is too loud!" But it was only 2 PM and not really that loud. "You need to cut your grass!" I just cut it two days ago... apparently it was still too long for their liking. "You need to park you car more to the right, (on my own driveway - not a shared driveway) that way I have more room on my side!" It was never ending to the point of an almost daily basis.

I was once a high ranking military officer, who was associated with a specific group who were known to be involved with some very unpleasant things. As it turned out, one of the main people of the community, was also a military veteran. He discovered my prior military involvement when, by chance, we ran into each other at the local military hospital. So, at that point, all he knew was I was also prior military.

Given I was at the VA hospital to have my eyes tested (annual test), my eyes would be dilated and the VA requested I have a driver for the day. As a result my sister was with me that day. Alone with the nearby busy-body within ear shot, my sister devised a plan to help put an end to the Karens and Kevins. Striking up a conversation with the person next to her, she began talking about some of the not so nice things I was asked to do in the military and some of the awards I had received. How much was true or fabricated, I do not know. The upside was the news got around the community fast. The downside was it merely slowed the nonsense, not eliminate it. But alas, a karen free life was fated to shine it's light on us.

At the time, I was involved in a LDR and was often taking trips to the other side of the country. Another thing occurring at the time was the Christopher Dorner incident. As you will soon discover, his escape path took him right thru our neighborhood. A couple weeks after the VA, I went to visit my SO on the east coast. Two nights after I left, my sister called me to relay, "I don't think they will be bothering us ever again."

Our home was located on a corner lot, the perfect location for police or military units to block all traffic in any direction. From what my sister told me. A group of military (state guard) and battle ready police parked at the corner and in front of our house. They piled out of their vehicles and the first thing they did was surround our house, before branching out further. My sister wasted no time in working up the narrative and even getting some of these heavily armed men involved.

With the group now spread throughout the neighborhood, my sister stepped out of the house and right up to two of the men standing near one of the assault vehicles. She began having a conversation with these men - a police sgt and a Guard Lt. She eventually got around to telling them about the annoying people in the neighborhood. Their conversation continued for quite some time before the neighborhood busy-bodies felt safe enough to venture onto the scene. As the other men came back to the vehicles, they were told to, "keep everyone back, " while my sister was allowed to remain with the two men.

At some point during their conversations, the police sgt indicated, "It could be fun to mess with the old cronies and give them something to talk about for a while."

As they all began to load back up into their vehicles, my sister said to them, "I'm sorry I wasted your time." The Lt yelled back, "No problem at all, ma'am. As long as are safe, is all that matters."

No sooner had they left the area, the cronies began to dig information out of my sister. She simply said to them, "I heard a noise. So, I called my sister." As expected, the cronies were fully confused, "Called your sister?" My sister then said, "Oh, you all think my sister is retired military? No. She's only semi-retired. Where do you think she goes when she takes off for weeks at a time? She's in Washington. She's the associate director of the OSI. I could have called the police and maybe, in 20 minutes, I would have gotten a single patrol car. But one call to her, I had SWAT and the US military here in less than 10 minutes!"

She effectively had used a search for a cop killer and used it to scare away over a dozen Karens and Kevins. Not one person in that community ever bothered us again.


Story one.... Neighbor Dad was a total flaming AH, and his kids were thieving brats. I hope Neighbor Dad is proud in later years when those kids wind up in prison. 😡
Story Another danged thief! She is just PO'd she got caught. 😮

Last story.... I kindov pity poor Greg. 😅


I live in an apartment complex with my mother and autistic younger brother. And after reading these stories about nightmare neighbors, I now understand why my mom always smears holy oil on the doors of vacant apartments in our building.


I keep hearing stories about neighbors doing things like this, paying a fencer to tear down an old fence and put up a new one in a different location, or cutting down trees, paying to have a house painted that wasn't theirs, demolishing a pool. Don't these workers ever verify the addresses of the people paying them and the property ownership and property lines? When I was a child my parents had a fence put in and the fencing company insisted on seeing the deed, the city documents with the property lines(platt book I think it's called), and obviously had to know who was paying them before they got started because these projects aren't cheap. So why are so many people able to hire workers that don't verify any of these things? If I was hired to do work on a property that the payee lived adjacent to, especially if they were having me remove or destroy something, a quick call to the city or county would verify whether or not they owned the property or not. It's illegal for the neighbors to pay someone to destroy someone else's property. The person who does this is likely to be charged for property was damaged, and also for defrauding the company or person they lied to and hired to do the damage. The company or worker will likely be charged or held liable due to their own negligence and lack of due diligence in accepting money or a contract to work on a property without verifying who the owner of that property is. In some places it is also a seperate crime to move, damage, destroy, or remove property boundary markers in a way that makes the boundary look to be in a different place or not there at all.


Story 1 reminds me of one of my own experiences with a bratty neighbor's kid. When I was 6 or 7 years old, we lived next door to a bratty kid who also went to the same school as my brother and me. She and her mother seemed nice enough *at first* and bratty kid's mother even befriended my mom. I was the type of child who was willing to play with any kid in the vicinity, so I would play with all of the neighborhood children.

Things were okay for a while until bratty kid's mom starting using my mom as an impromptu babysitter and we quickly learned that bratty kid had never been taught how to behave at another person's house. She kept going into my parents' room, which was a big no-no even to my brother and me (we could only go in if our parents were there) and ruined a lot of my mother's make up, which I had been taught to never touch. She also set fire to some paper napkins we had in the dining room for some reason once. Much to my mom's annoyance, bratty kid wasn't even fully toilet-trained and my mom was forced to clean up her messes. I later learned that bratty kid's mom was trying to force my mom to have no other friends besides her (my mom shot that down quick).

And bratty kid was a LIAR. She would lie to her mother about me bullying her (when I had only ever been nice), that I cursed her out (keeping in mind that I was an extremely sheltered child of the 90s and the worst word I knew at the time was "poop-head") and called her things like b**ch, b**t**d, *ssh*le...etc. Bratty kid's mother confronted me and demanded to know why I called her said words and I was too terrified of a grown woman yelling at me to say anything and could only shake my head. When I asked my mother what those words meant, she got very angry and she limited contact to bratty kid and her mother after that. The breaking point came when bratty kid accused me of stealing her ratty old barbie doll. I had about a dozen barbie dolls, because my dad was away on work a lot in those days and felt bad that I didn't get to see much of him, so he compensated by buying me more toys and dolls than I needed.

I loved each and every gift I received though and took very good care of my things, which bratty kid did not do with hers, her barbie doll had been through it, her hair was a tangled mess that had even been cut in places, she'd lost the shoes + accessories and the dress was dirty and tattered.

So bratty kid's mom marched her bratty kid into my room to inspect my dolls, neatly lined up on a low shelf and she actually tried to grab one of them! I caught her wrist before she could touch it and quietly told her, "That's my doll." My own mother was in the room with me and confirmed it. Thankfully, neither of them put up a fight and left right away. Later that same day, bratty kid's mom called and gave a halfhearted apology saying they found the doll under the bed. I never played with her again and we moved to another house when I was 8.

I still heard stories about her since we went to the same school (and she was my brother's classmate) and she did this to EVERYONE, she would befriend someone who didn't know anything about her, things would be okay for a while until the bad behavior and lies started happening, there would be an incident (frequently involving accusation of theft or actual theft with the bratty kid being exposed as the thief) until everyone knew about her and refused to have anything to do with her anymore. The craziest story was her inviting a girl over from school, only for her (bratty kid) to start trashing her *own* room, while the other girl just stared in disbelief and quickly noped out of there - calling her mother to pick her up. Bratty kid then accused the girl she invited over of having trashed the room (ripping pictures and posters off the wall, destroying them, smearing paint and plasticine clay into the carpets, knocking things off of shelves, breaking the bed...etc.).

She even tried ruining that girl's reputation at school, but it didn't work since that girl was actually nice, while bratty kid had proven herself to be a liar and had pulled similar stunts in the past. So when nice girl told her side of the story, we knew who to believe.


I would have contacted ths police the moment I saw James and Rose in my backyard plus I would press charges for trespassing and invasion of privacy.


Story 2 - I would’ve reported her to the police for trespassing and stealing
