How I Learned to Succeed at a Top Law School

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Getting into law school is only half the battle. This is my story of how I learned to succeed in law school in the face of stiff competition, crazy professors, and endless work.
Law school is incredibly intimidating. When you arrive you are surrounded by the highest concentration of the smartest people you’ll ever meet. It’s very different from college where many people are just skating by. In law school, everyone is giving 100% and going 100 miles per hour.
Law school is graded on a curve. Which means that professors can only give out a few A’s per class, no matter how well everyone does on the exams. Generally only the top 5% get A’s and another 5-10% get A minuses. You’re not competing against the professor’s exam, you are competing against your fellow classmates.
I realized pretty quickly that I couldn’t out work my classmates. I also couldn’t “out think” them in the sense of just being smarter. I was going to have to find an edge.
So I started to study law school itself. I learned all the tricks. I learned to focus on what matters and remove all the extraneous stuff. So much of law school is wasted on focusing on crap that doesn’t matter. I learned to work smarter rather than harder.
In the end, my strategic thinking paid off. Watch the video until the end to find out how.
If you’re interested in learning the system that I created (one that is guaranteed to get you better grades in law school) you can check out the link below. In my spare time, I teach current law students how to kick ass in law school. I’m not special. I just systematized a better way. And you can get that system. Learn from my mistakes and triumphs.
★ Got law school questions? Ask in the comments!
★ Tweet at us on Twitter @LegalEagleDJ
Law school is incredibly intimidating. When you arrive you are surrounded by the highest concentration of the smartest people you’ll ever meet. It’s very different from college where many people are just skating by. In law school, everyone is giving 100% and going 100 miles per hour.
Law school is graded on a curve. Which means that professors can only give out a few A’s per class, no matter how well everyone does on the exams. Generally only the top 5% get A’s and another 5-10% get A minuses. You’re not competing against the professor’s exam, you are competing against your fellow classmates.
I realized pretty quickly that I couldn’t out work my classmates. I also couldn’t “out think” them in the sense of just being smarter. I was going to have to find an edge.
So I started to study law school itself. I learned all the tricks. I learned to focus on what matters and remove all the extraneous stuff. So much of law school is wasted on focusing on crap that doesn’t matter. I learned to work smarter rather than harder.
In the end, my strategic thinking paid off. Watch the video until the end to find out how.
If you’re interested in learning the system that I created (one that is guaranteed to get you better grades in law school) you can check out the link below. In my spare time, I teach current law students how to kick ass in law school. I’m not special. I just systematized a better way. And you can get that system. Learn from my mistakes and triumphs.
★ Got law school questions? Ask in the comments!
★ Tweet at us on Twitter @LegalEagleDJ