The Order | Season 2 Episode 1 | Jack Joins The Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose

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Well, our werewolves are regaining memories and Alyssa is going to help them. So they finally join the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose 🌹 to play them from inside..

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I’m watching this now, I’m currently on season 2 episode one and I’m so upset Alyssa erased his memory. Along with all the other KOSC I hope they don’t drag it all season until he gets all his memories back. But so far I’m pissed, especially that they have jack with Gabriella psychotic ass!


I shipped Alyssa and jack so much but now that I just started watching season 1 I hope all 4 of them destroy Coventry


Where can i watch full episode for free i tried at Netflix but its not working?
