How I Got My First Web Developer Job

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Here's how I got my first web developer job. It wasn't easy. I actually almost gave up. I shared my journey of becoming a web developer and what I honestly thought helped me stand apart from the rest of the applicants, including what helped me skip the technical interview.
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Valuable content for us self-taught devs!
Thanks again, Don.


awesome video my brother! Lots of valuable information.


I see those Ironmaster dumbells in the background! 👀🏋️‍♂️


You only fail when you quit - I'm glad you kept trying. Going to a lot of interviews is really a great practice and I'm glad you didn't give up! I'm sure your story will help a lot of aspiring data professionals out there. :)


Hi! I love your series on self taught developers sharing their stories and advice!! How do you measure when you are "Ready" to apply for your first job? Is it based on building projects without looking at others' code? Is it best to put a due date like (6 months or a year) and just do it?


I've learned JS, HTML, React (still working on it), CSS and Sass, and many other things, I even created a portfolio, but all I've been getting is scam calls ... All this is just draining me, I'm just trying to find a job where I can get paid for doing what I love.


"I exposed myself on twitch...that sounds wrong" - I really needed that laugh! Anyways, networking is probably one of my biggest struggle. I also struggle with projects. I've ran across a lot of advice on how you should make a project that you are very passionate about, but I don't seem to really like anything that much. Maybe I'm just looking too deep into it.


Don, I can relate to this so much. I always was into computers but never really into programming (thought it was too difficult) then I started feeling weird every time I went to my job (warehouse job) last year during covid I had about 2 months off and I gave coding another try. This time I completely fell in love with it, I kept doing it and a few weeks later I decided to quit my job, use my savings (I had enough for like 5 months) and so yeah. It's been about 8 months and I'm getting closer to the goal of getting that first job. This gave me a little bit of extra confidence so thank you for sharing :) and thanks for the tips on how to create content because I also don't like posting too much (that ain't me) but I used to stream video games so I think I'll give streaming while I code I try :D Thank


"I exposed myself on twitch" this cracked me up, haha thank you.


When you said “I didn’t want to go to work, but I did and then it kept happening” this is me right now. Everday, workday or weekend. I think about quitting my job. Putting in my 2 weeks. I feel stuck because I don’t want to put financial burden on my wife, but fuck man I am miserable where I’m at. Overworked and underpaid. I started applying to software developer positions. But I’m afraid to leave my job before I have another job


Great video. Could you pls make a video on IOS/Andriod development
bootcamps please


16:48 As an avid Twitch user, I chuckled at that. #InstantlyBanned


I plan to supplement my JavaScript knowledge via bootcamp. Have you heard much about Tech Talent South? They have a 10 week JavaScript Application Development bootcamp.


Hey I have a question? What do you mean by supplementing your JavaScript knowledge? What did you feel like you where missing that made you go to coding boot camp
