Dr. James C. Lin: A Critique of Wireless RF Exposure Limits & Recommendations for Better Protections
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The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields sponsored Workshop: “Radio-frequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Sources: Are the Safety Limits Safe” June 14, 2023 held at the Royal Society of Medicine in London.
Dr. James C. Lin’s presentation: “A Critique of RF Exposure Limits and Recommendations for the Better Protection of Workers and the Public
Dr. Lin gave an overview of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and a history of exposure limit development since 1966. The health effects of microwave and radiofrequency (RF) fields have been the subject of scientific research for 70 years. Guidelines have been promulgated for 50+ plus years.
Dr. John Frank’s presentation: “Reflections and Key Questions”
"We now have emerging research findings from previous generations (i.e., 2G, 3G, and 4G) on radiofrequency telecoms technology, suggesting there are worrisome biological effects, certainly in the lab and, increasingly, in vivo evidence in living human populations and some evidence in plant populations. But it takes longer to establish these effects through large epidemiological studies where you follow tens of thousands of people over many years."
This is Part 3 ICBE-EMF Webinar June 14, 2023
Dr. James C. Lin’s presentation: “A Critique of RF Exposure Limits and Recommendations for the Better Protection of Workers and the Public
Dr. Lin gave an overview of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and a history of exposure limit development since 1966. The health effects of microwave and radiofrequency (RF) fields have been the subject of scientific research for 70 years. Guidelines have been promulgated for 50+ plus years.
Dr. John Frank’s presentation: “Reflections and Key Questions”
"We now have emerging research findings from previous generations (i.e., 2G, 3G, and 4G) on radiofrequency telecoms technology, suggesting there are worrisome biological effects, certainly in the lab and, increasingly, in vivo evidence in living human populations and some evidence in plant populations. But it takes longer to establish these effects through large epidemiological studies where you follow tens of thousands of people over many years."
This is Part 3 ICBE-EMF Webinar June 14, 2023