James Lyne: Everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it

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How do you pick up a malicious online virus, the kind of malware that snoops on your data and taps your bank account? Often, it's through simple things you do each day without thinking twice. James Lyne reminds us that it's not only the NSA that's watching us, but ever-more-sophisticated cybercriminals, who exploit both weak code and trusting human nature.

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Kind of awkward when he's making all of these jokes with no reaction. I found myself sharply exhaling through my nose. Great talk.


Thank you everyone for the comments (and on the TED site). Great to see the security pros got it was a simplified demo and talk to try and capture more mainstream attention. Articles due shortly to outline the best practices for those that are interested.


I feel bad Mr Lyne he put some neat jokes and no one laughed :(


This talk is really funny but I feel like the audience were boomers


Thank you, really glad you enjoyed it. We need to build up more discussion in this area as it is starting to affect our society more and more.


Thank you, I'm really glad it had an impact! Spread the word and tell some family and friends :)


lol. Did they hide the identity of the dolphin at 12:03 ?


Was the audience dead? The only other TED talk I laughed so much while watching was the scam email one!


Ah, finally! I was waiting for TED to start addressing this stuff -- I almost wish there was a whole TED event just dedicated to cybercrime -- James Lyne's lecture addresses a huge problem that has far-reaching effects, and takes more than the time he is allotted to fully unpack. It points to so many other issues that could be discussed individually. Hoping to see more of this -- thanks James!


Very good presentation! It was delivered with humor, but yet the seriousness of the issues facing us all in protecting our data was heard loud and clear. I am sharing the link to this with many family members who don't quite understand the seriousness behind logical protection.


what an amazing crowd!! just so energetic and humorous..!!!


Very true. Whilst some operating systems due have architectural advantages over others the user will always be a weakness. I tried in the talk to raise awareness for people outside the security community - WE all know these things but it's important to make others thing about it too.


I'm an IT engineer, just discovered James today on TED. Really good talk because it's nice and easy for none tech people to understand. Also liked the point about phones, ipads, Androids etc giving away previously connected WIFI APs when they are scanning. You didn't seem to take this further though? I assume time reasons. Explaining that people can then setup a fake AP with the same name, so if you're in the area, you're connect to the rough AP rather than the genuine one.


I am a software engineering student and I found your talk extremely informative and fascinating! Thank you so much for this talk! People need to treat online privacy like the locks on their doors.


There are some great initiatives trying to improve this such as the Rasberry PI project. We need to make sure that people not only know how to use technology but that there is a community of people who understand how it works too.


I miss the days of talking to my buddy on two tin cans connected with a string...


Absolutely riveting presentation!. I'm just over 60, was in the R.A.A.F. - gathering.
Only during my last couple of years did computers make their presence known, but what I saw and heard really troubled me, and still does.
Most people have virtually 'no idea' of REAL security, they merely hover around the edges of it, thinking what they do is their best security practice, it's their laziness and nievete that is their own major security threat.


Absolutely not! I keep on practicing and trying to improve though :)


They were actually great. It's a big room with lots of people and I'm the only one with a mic. They asked lots of great questions afterwards and were very engaged. I can't complain!


Excellent point. I had an argument with a friend recently who said security is a temporal issue - the new generation won't have the same problems. Unfortunately whilst familiarity with technology has increased, the notion of privacy and security in many cases has reduced. People are prepared to give up more information and don't see it as a risk. Education and awareness are one of our biggest problems.
