Journey : Beautiful Inspirational Music , Cinematic Music , Epic Music

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Packed into this mix are, in my opinion, 34 of the most beautiful tracks on the channel. Powerful inspirational music , music that shakes you up inside. I tried to make sense of the mix by putting the tracks in a specific order, creating a journey, adding an appropriate image to each song. I hope you enjoy it!
🙏 Special thanks to the talented artists who created the music featured in this video.Follow their work. 🎵

Tracks with no direct link are provided and licensed with Epidemicsound, Musicbed or directly from composers.

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++++++++The images in this video are all obtainable if you want. Some are made by me , some I got online. Since I don't have the provenance of all of them , if you are interested in getting some of them, write to me on social or in the comments if you don't have the socials I currently use. I will get you the ones you are interested in somehow. Thank you.++++++++

00:00 We Will Meet In Paradise - Mofjell

03:06 Where Stars Fall - Scott Buckley

07:37 Across The Waters - Dream Cave

09:50 Adventure Begins - Whitesand

14:48 Olympus - Dream Cave

17:02 Age of Wander - Scott Buckley

22:53 Among the Clouds - Helmut Schenker

25:54 Eternity - Whitesand

31:44 Age of Men - Jo Wandrini

35:48 Highway - Whitesand

40:36 Leave No One Behind - Bonnie Grace

43:24 Circle of Life - Whitesand

47:25 Flight - Johannes Bornlof

49:42 Humans After Us - Nick Froud

52:44 Omega - Scott Buckley

56:50 Imminent End - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen

01:00:25 Olympus - Whitesand

01:04:53 Titan - Scott Buckley

01:07:51 Last Hope - Victor Cooper

01:10:41 Freedom Fighters - Jo Wandrini

01:14:51 Tomorrow is Another Day - Jo Wandrini

01:18:27 The Final Step - AliveSound

01:20:44 Motions - Edgar Hopp

01:23:05 Rise - Whitesand

01:27:08 Birds of Eden - David Celeste

01:29:17 Eyes of Yours - Edgar Hopp

01:32:36 Two as One - Davis Celeste

01:35:22 The Road - Whitesand

01:40:43 Wherever I Wander - Bonnie Grace

01:43:15 Imperfections - Whitesand

01:48:00 End of an Era - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen

01:51:06 A World Beyond - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen

01:55:04 Together We Rise - Philip Ayers

01:58:08 Ember - Tony Anderson

Thank you for watching this video! For more Inspirational Cinematic Background Music, Emotional Music, Epic Music, Motivational Music, Epic Motivational Background Music and more, If you enjoyed it, don't forget to leave a like and a comment below. And most importantly, make sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next videos! 🔔
Keep following the channel for more fantastic videos! 👍

• This video was given license directly from the artists or legal platforms.
• If you wish to use music from this channel for any reasons, please contact the artist directly NOT ME.
• All music and images are copyrighted and belong to the respective owners.
Pliase support artists and platforms that provide content.

#epicmusic #cinematicmusic #backgroundmusic #ambientmusic #emotionalmusic #upliftingmusic #inspirationalmusic #beautifulmusic
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 We Will Meet In Paradise - Mofjell
03:06 Where Stars Fall - Scott Buckley
07:37 Across The Waters - Dream Cave
09:50 Adventure Begins - Whitesand
14:48 Olympus - Dream Cave
17:02 Age of Wander - Scott Buckley
22:53 Among the Clouds - Helmut Schenker
25:54 Eternity - Whitesand
31:44 Age of Men - Jo Wandrini
35:48 Highway - Whitesand
40:36 Leave No One Behind - Bonnie Grace
43:24 Circle of Life - Whitesand
47:25 Flight - Johannes Bornlof
49:42 Humans After Us - Nick Froud
52:44 Omega - Scott Buckley
56:50 Imminent End - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
01:00:25 Olympus - Whitesand
01:04:53 Titan - Scott Buckley
01:07:51 Last Hope - Victor Cooper
01:10:41 Freedom Fighters - Jo Wandrini
01:14:51 Tomorrow is Another Day - Jo Wandrini
01:18:27 The Final Step - AliveSound
01:20:44 Motions - Edgar Hopp
01:23:05 Rise - Whitesand
01:27:08 Birds of Eden - David Celeste
01:29:17 Eyes of Yours - Edgar Hopp
01:32:36 Two as One - Davis Celeste
01:35:22 The Road - Whitesand
01:40:43 Wherever I Wander - Bonnie Grace
01:43:15 imperfections - Whitesand
01:48:00 End of an Era - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
01:51:06 A World Beyond - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
01:55:04 Together We Rise - Philip Ayers
01:58:08 Ember - Tony Anderson


Every melody is capable of healing every scar on my poor heart. I'm grateful to be able to listen to music that heals ❤


These made me cry. I am often alone, always at my computer, creating, for a decade now and these tracks brought out more of my creativity. Thank you so much🙂


That feeling when music touches your soul deeply.


I saw angels alot of them and they loved me and helped me 🙂


Thank you for sharing with the world, what a blessing you are - you're fulfilling your purpose dear soul! Love light and joy to you 🙏💞


I would love to express my gratitude to the creators of the music as it gives me the opportunity to go into my thoughts and think about all things i can be grateful about in life. the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our emotions (Tony Robbins).
I hope you all find peace, joy, love and happiness in your lifes


Music truly touches the heart and soul of the listener.


Beautiful 🙏🙏🙏Thank you, I need it 🌺
To everyone here….peace will be with you away 🙏


Él enjugará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más duelo, ni clamor, ni dolor, porque las primeras cosas han pasado». El que está sentado en el trono dijo: «Yo hago nuevas todas las cosas». Y añadió*: «Escribe, porque estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas». También me dijo: «Hecho está. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el Principio y el Fin. Al que tiene sed, Yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida. *Apocalipsis 21:4-6*


A sweet and beautiful thank you. A perfectly scented moment for me to dream of healing in again. Thank you back to you for enhancing the melody in our bouquet.


Currently this channel is by far one of the greatest music mix makers out there. Thank you.


I recently came across the best sounds on YouTube, and I have to say, you guys really nailed it! I just wanted to express my gratitude. I was under a great deal of stress, but listening to those sounds really helped me overcome it. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful experience.


These compositions have a way of stirring up a profound sense of wonder and awe.


The light coming out of the palms of the hands 🙂


WOW So BEAUTIFUL....I've been searching for something to spark my muse again, brought tears to my eyes, You definitely have sparked my flame again, all I can say is Thank you


Beautiful arrangements of Epic Music Thank You


i’m here to overcome a broken heart, to let go of what doesn’t serve me, to detach myself from what i have to. At the end of each day the only thing i have is myself.


Indeed a journey
Every piece, harmony or rhythm takes ur soul to a whole new level of consciousness❤


Please don't stop creating these mixes!!! So so powerful! THANK YOU! So many goosebumps - feels like the epic-ness is being infused into the work I'm doing while listening. 😍
