NCERT Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7: Federalism | UPSC | CBSE | Polity

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NCERT Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7: Federalism
- Dr. Manishika Jain, NTSE Scholar, UGC & CSIR NET JRF
Gold Medalist, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
What is Federalism?- India has 20 major & 100s minor languages - several religions & millions of indigenous population - accommodate two sets of polities—one at theregional level and the other at the national level- two sets of identities and loyalties—they belong to the region as well as the nation- written constitution, which is considered to be supreme and which is also the source of the power of both sets of government- independent judiciary to settle disputes
Federalism in Nigeria & West Indies- Treaty of Chiguaramas - West Indies- Ibadan Constitutional Conference Yoruba, Ibo and Hausa-Fulani (Ethic groups in Nigeria)
Federalism in Indian Constitution
Division of Powers
Strong Central Government
Very existence of a State including its territorial integrity is in the hands of Parliament
Constitution has certain very powerful emergency provisions, which can turn our federal polity into a highly centralised system once emergency is declared
Very effective financial powers and responsibilities
Governor has certain powers to recommend dismissal of the State government and the dissolution of the Assembly.
All-India services are common to the entire territory of India and officers chosen for these services serve in the administration of the States
Conflicts in India’s Federal System
Center-State Relations
Demand for Autonomy
Role of Governors and President’s Rule
Demand for New States
Interstate Conflicts
Conflicts in India’s Federal System
Center-State Relations
Demand for Autonomy
Role of Governors and President’s Rule
Demand for New States
Interstate Conflicts
Conflicts in India’s Federal System
Center-State Relations
Demand for Autonomy
Role of Governors and President’s Rule
Demand for New States
Interstate Conflicts
Conflicts in India’s Federal System
Center-State Relations
Demand for Autonomy
Role of Governors and President’s Rule
Demand for New States
Interstate Conflicts
Conflicts in India’s Federal System
Center-State Relations
Demand for Autonomy
Role of Governors and President’s Rule
Demand for New States
Interstate Conflicts
Special Provisions
Jammu & Kashmir Case