Ripping Trails & Wrecking our Brand New CFMOTO CFORCE 1000 ATVs

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Well That was unfortunate.. ATV Fails...
Enjoy video footage of Blake & Mark & Austin racing down some ATV Trails testing the performance of the new 2024 Gen 3 CFMOTO CFORCE 1000 Touring and the new Team MSC Stage 3 Clutch Kit by Vauhti Varikko. We race through wooded trails and fire roads and mud trails and hills and more.
Enjoy video footage of Blake & Mark & Austin racing down some ATV Trails testing the performance of the new 2024 Gen 3 CFMOTO CFORCE 1000 Touring and the new Team MSC Stage 3 Clutch Kit by Vauhti Varikko. We race through wooded trails and fire roads and mud trails and hills and more.
Ripping Trails & Wrecking our Brand New CFMOTO CFORCE 1000 ATVs
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