Is NFP just Catholic Contraception? w/ Lila Rose

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In this clip, we talk about how Natural Family Planning (NFP) isn't just Catholic contraception. Why is this any different from birth control?



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I'm sorry, I still am not convinced... People practice NFP to avoid pregnancy... How is that different from a contraceptive? Yes it is different practically, but the sought outcome is just the same...


My fiancée is hesitant about doing the NFP classes for our marriage prep, because she does have PCOS and uterine fibroids, which heavily hinders fertility chances. As a result, she has had to go to her gynecologist and doctors and has learned a lot about her irregular cycle, and she just thinks NFP is basically going to be that. I want to do the class with her so I can learn more about her body as well so I’m not so in the dark about what’s happening. Please pray for us in our marriage prep and that our future marriage will be fruitful and able to multiply. ☺️☺️


Yes. That answered my question! Still astounded at your ability to find the highest quality guests and thusly the highest quality content. You're not bad either Matt.


This is complete and utter mental gymnastics. It’s about the intent, NFP intends to reduce the likelihood of conceiving a child by almost 99% while still getting pleasure from participating in the marital act. I am on my way into the faith with my family, but seeing so many Catholics actually believe this is disheartening.


A more accurate way to put it would be to say that NFP is not a contraceptive in the same way that abstaining is not a contraceptive.


I dunno, I’d always go by the the “what would the ancients think?” mentality. Like for the majority of human history, wouldn’t it be as simple as: abstain and not abstain? Are moderns too complicated for simple black and whites?


You're not sinning by NOT having sex (during the fertile period or otherwise).


How is NFP any different than using condoms .


Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii (# 17), Dec. 31, 1930: “The primary end of marriage is the PROCREATION and the education of children.” Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii (# 54), Dec. 31, 1930: “Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined PRIMARILY BY NATURE for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately FRUSTRATE its NATURAL POWERS and purpose sin AGAINST nature and commit a deed which is shameful and INTRINSICALLY VICIOUS.”


NFP should be abstaining from sex unless you are trying to make a baby.


Hey Matt, I have greatly enjoyed your videos as they have been a wonderful blessing in my life, and I thank God that he has you in this ministry. I was hoping that you could do a video addressing Thomas Aquinas writings on Just War Theory. With all this talk about the the state, and all of this political turmoil. I think it would be pertinent as Christians to discuss the role a Christian should play in the state which would include military service. Thank you for all that you are allowing God to do in you. Have a wonderful day. God's Peace.


Avoiding and holding back are the same thing. Pretty simple.


Her answer is spot on. The only problem is the practical application of it. Even if you think you have a grave cause to practice NFP, YOU are not the judge of that. It's a discussion between BOTH spouses, AND a Holy and knowledgeable priest. Good luck finding that these days outside of the trad orders.


The difference between contraceptives and NFP is that contraceptives separate intercourse from reproduction. With birth control you can partake in the pleasure of sex without the willingness or commitment to the possibility of pregnancy. NFP allows intercourse only if you are willing to “risk” pregnancy. Which is the way God intended it, in my opinion!


@Matt Fradd
I noticed that this video had an ad for a birth control product, Annovera. I'm thinking it's due to metadata.

Is there a way to fight YouTube over it or would it be just fine that such an ad fund this awesome video, to counteract the contraception mentality? Talk about a fantastic paradox!


I am absolutely for NFP, but I think that the arguments for it are sometimes lacking. The majority of conservative Protestants use contraceptives for the same number of reasons listed by Lila for couples to use NFP. The problem is that one can assume that if one can use NFP for the wrong reasons and that is why is primarily wrong then one can assume that what makes contraceptives primarily wrong are these intentions. These Protestant's intentions are still good, but what is wrong is that the giving of oneself is lacking and results in a marriage that lacks the fullness of meaning when the two become one flesh. What makes it wrong is not only the intention. It is the fact that when a husband and wife come together they are not offering everything that they are to each other. If one is using contraceptives they are refraining from giving everything that they would if their bodies were behaving naturally. Marriage is a total offering of oneself. If a husband and wife consummate their marriage on a non-fertile day, the woman and man still offer everything that they have to other.


How about a DEBATE on this topic? It could be: "Is Contraception Sinful?"


So you have to want kids? You can't choose what you want.


I heard the "Theology of the Body" guy put it this way. There is a difference between going into a church to pray versus going into the Church to desecrate things versus simply not entering the Church. There can be reasons not to go into the Church. That's not sinful in itself. But it's always sinful to go into church and misuse it. So, NFP to diminish the chances of a pregnancy by avoiding the act that causes pregnancy is not sinful in itself (can be if you just aren't open to new life without cause, as she said). But that's different than sterilizing the act by barriers or exogenous hormones so that you can misuse the act for purely selfish motives.


Agenesic NFP technique is always sin be because it places secondary purposes ahead of primary purpose. "Forbidden" Casti connubii 59.
