Every Timeline Where Dipper and Mabel DIED in Gravity Falls!

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The Book of Bill revealed that Dipper and Mabel Pines only survived the events of Gravity Falls in ONE timeline! Bill Cipher claims that in every other timeline, the mystery twins met their demise. With the huge multiverse illustration available in high definition, I wanted to breakdown EVERY timeline where Dipper and Mabel died, or became the worst versions of themselves! Why did Dipper and Mabel join the Society of the Blind Eye? How did Bipper win, how did Bill strike a deal with Mabel, how did they get eaten by zombies? So many horrifying possibilities, and we're going to run through them all!


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Theory: Dipper wins against Rumble and becomes the new Champion, being obliged to become a Videogame character


Ok worst part about the Sock Opera one is what Bill would've done after he won.

He would've convinced the town Dipper went mad and jump off the water tower afterwards. 💀


Thinking about all of this, yeah dipper & Mabel died in these timelines

But Stan had to have been the most depressed & traumatized character in the multiverse, the guilt Stan would feel in all these timelines and on top of these timelines he never frees ford


personally in my opinion this art piece is one of the most simple yet ambitious things gravity falls has ever done, seeing this amount of references in a single art piece is not something you see often at all and it deserves all the love it gets.


Just imagining there's a universe where Mabel died, not from all these big things, but basic human anatomy having her neck snap when it turned backwards in the convenience store episode


Blendin: I have seen alternate futures. More than 14 million
Dipper: And how many are we still alive at the end of the summer?
B:IN 1...

D: You said that in a single future, of more than 14 million, we win. Please tell me what is this
B: If I tell you what is going to happen...then it won't happen anymore.


The Watcher: "Time, space, reality. It’s more than a linear path. It’s a prism of endless possibilities."


I think Mabel is the one in the Blind Eye Society robe since she was going to erase her memories of her summer crushes in the episode Society of the Blind Eye. EDIT: I just realized they DON'T have braces in the art. Lol never mind.


Fun fact...if Ford is never saved from the nightmare realm, bill will die before weirdmegedon because Ford only failed because Stan opened the portal.


You look at the first art piece and realize: "Wow, Gravity Falls is actually a choose-your-adventure story".
Each Dipper and Mabel reaching for the ones in the bus seat were references to past episodes. It's only because someone made the right decisions that the adventure continued, and not ended.


There is no timeline where Wendy lost to the fucking unicorns. I am putting my foot down on that one. Grenda alone would be enough to turn them into glue...


Another possible timeline for the events of the Lost Legends story, "Don't Dimension It" is where Mabel fails to stop Anti-Mabel from entering her dimension and cause mass havoc.


The fact that even a single different choice lead to The Dawn of the world only makes it a perfect touch


Some more alternate timelines:
The Deep End: Dipper being too late when saving Mermando
Dipper Vs. Manliness: Dipper killing the Multibear and being an official member of the Manotaurs as Dipper the Destructor
The Love God: Mabel spraying Robbie and Tambry with the AntiLove Potion
Boyz Crazy: Mabel keeping Sev’ral Times and never setting them free, permanently splitting her and Candy and Grenda up forever!
Into the Bunker: Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy getting trapped in the moving walls room, eventually getting crushed to death
Not What He Seems: Mabel pushing the Button, shutting down the Portal, meaning Stan will never get to reunite with Ford!
Dreamscapers: Dipper, Mabel, and Soos not being able to save Grunkle Stan, meaning Stans mind will forever be controlled by Bill, Gideon will take over the Mystery Shack, and Stan will never reunite with Ford!
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality: Dipper losing the trial, getting exiled, and without Mabel, Wendy and Soos, he basically has nothing left to stop Bill! Same thing if he looks at whatever the door Mabel prepared for him had inside, but in that instance he’ll be stuck in Mabel Land forever!
Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Future: Mabel taking the correct backpack when storming off into the forest!


Wax dipper could come from the universe where Mabel was extra ambitious and created wax duplicates of her, dipper, and Stan. Using some extra wax that Stan got from the haunted garage, alongside the wax statues. Which would allow their duplicates to come alive and take their place. While time displace dipper could come from a universe where Blendin prevented the twins from being born.


Mabel dying and it being his fault would also lead him to the Blind Eye


Amulet Mabel one sounds like real good fanfic material fr, need a read of that rn


Alternate idea for Babel: Bill actually DID jump off the water tower in Dipper’s body, Mabel mourns her dead brother, Bill makes a deal moth Mabel during this time of grieving, and does the same to her.


If Adventure Time is the Choose Your Own Adventure of multiple timelines,

then Dipper and Mable is the Alternamorphs of theirs.


I still feel like Bill was exaggerating a bit with the "ONE Timeline" statement, but, yeah, most definitely ended up with the Pines Twins dead.
