My Brain on Information Overload

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We’re not just being bombarded by more and more information everyday, but increasingly more and more channels and technological means of accessing information, as well. The entertainment industry, the marketing world, and the information peddling media, in particular, are always competing for our attention. Of course, humans instinctively crave knowledge and data and specifically the information derived from them form the basis of that understanding. We don’t want to be left out of the loop of the business and technological advancements and the related human enterprise opportunities, so we become increasingly susceptible to information overload; in turn, potentially leading to anxiety, antisocial tendencies, dysfunctional relationships, a rat race lifestyle, and generally-speaking a more degraded quality of life. Information craving has turned into a modern day addiction. We now have to be trained in the art of filtering the noise and the mountains of otherwise useless information, in order to kick the habit and lead more fulfilling lives.


I am not an acedemic, or even close, but I have wondered for YEARS that the human brain maybe suffering from information overload. It would not affect the average maunal worker (agricultual worker etc) and more importantly leading to the onset of mental illness ...altzeimers (have I spelt that right ?) etc.., , , By the way this is in no way insulting agricultural type working men especially in medievel times ...James W H


I used my anxiety and digital hoarding syndrome to improve my life by producing music and then joining the crypto world, just leverage it to your advantage, it's worse when you feel bad and let yourself believe you have a limitation that should be treated for illness, it makes you feel depressed and really bad, not cool, just do the opposite and embrace it, you'll come out better, faster, stronger more than ever


I think I might have a big issue then.
I'm seriously having that issue for over 3 years!
My brain always hurts maybe because I'm thinking about a lot of things the whole time.
What should I do?
I thought my brain can handle the pressure but it's too much!
Pain is worse than death.


I <3 this music.

How can I listen to the full track?


I can't sleep for noting does medical marijuana work
