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Duality of coom is a beautiful coming of age story about a young boy ( Andy ) who, under the influence of his adolescence and quick dopamine from the internet, gives him the fuel to move his "tastes" farther and farther.
After some time, he realizes that his kinks can not only harm him but also those that he loves.



Original creator of "Ashbie moon" character:
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He let her go because he loves her... I hope you understand that.
and I hope you too can look at what you are doing right now and see that sometimes it is better to step back.
Because the path you are taking may seem tempting on the surface, but at the end of the day, there will be no one there to hold your hand.


For those of you that don’t know. She cried in the bathroom because she couldn’t make him hard. It takes years to reverse the damage. Turn off your phone.


This video comes at the right time in my life. I am going through a cleaning, after years of the coom and I am sick of it. It is hard to quit but I'm going steady for the time being.


The scariest part is how your brain uses every word possible to try convince you it's okay.


When I think of people who say "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well" I think of these people


I never thought I had a problem, always said "I could quit anytime I want". I was sadly mistaken after many attempts and I realized I was addicted. This addiction has been with me from late childhood, through my teens and early twenties. Reading the experiences from others, a lot from these videos I knew I had to stop for the better of myself and relationships. I'm 10 days in and doing pretty good. I've cut out all dating apps and set all my search engines to safe search. Take away the temptation and the desire will soon die. I hope it is not too late and that I can heal as well as everyone else who suffers from this. We need to be better men when the world is full of so much uncertainty.


"I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realise it's a coomedy" - CHOKER


Aren't we gonna talk about how Andy's so swole? The COOM power that Andy has is unreal.


Seeing him become a bloomer is so wholesome. Such a shame to see him succumb to pron addiction


Being a man is duality. Civilized and barbaric. Discipline shouldn't stop your nature, but help it. I find most of the self-improvement videos tends to overcivilize you, by refraining you, but the real thing - which they don't generally explain - is how to express your deep nature in a creative thing, in a meaning way...
Good work as always.


He appears to be living the life that most adult men in western society are familiar with.


Been there during high school and college. It totally warped my view of women, sex, and relationships. The good news is that you can recover in the span of a year or two. At this point, I don't remember the last time I coomed and I am happily in a relationship.
1. Stop watching pron. For me, I had to spend less time up late and alone. Go to bed early and focus on hobbies out of the house.
2. Stop cooming. Once you don't have pron, you can wean yourself off of cooming over months. You will also feel greater attraction to real people instead of pixels.
3. You will relapse. Don't despair. Each time, pick yourself back up faster and faster.


The saddest thing is... I can relate to him.


This Transformation from doomer to coomer was extreme scary


These vids are the reason why I am attempting to end my coomer days before it's too late. For 2 years I have been astronomically down bad, now I realize enough is enough.


reaching adulthood with a past of rejection truly kills your ability to open up again. and slowly you become the very thing you feared


This is so well edited! The quick glance and sharply looking away at 1:16 feels so genuine


May God bless this channel. This isn’t making fun of a coomer, rather it is humanizing him and showing us the true tragedy of his life


Big relate. And it took years to recover from this.

More detail: So I'm not sure if anyone will appreciate the personal anecdote, but this is true. I know, because it happened to me. I had a ten year relationship end over porn addiction. Ten years together, married for more than half that time. Stress at work built up, I spent more time online watching porn and playing video games. She started to feel undesired and undesirable, while I just escaped online and became addicted to the cheap dopamine rush. And I got into some pretty weird porn very quickly, too.

It hurt her. She wanted to separate and file for divorce. I'm 99% sure she cheated during this time. I'm not sure if it should even be called cheating though. But the whole process destroyed me. The details of what my life looked after that divorce are too much to go into here.

But, well, it's true. Don't hurt the people you care about and love by feeding your addictions, because inevitably they start to feel like it's about them. You're hurting them. And maybe they'll destroy you as part of their own path toward healing or redemption.

As Mark (another commenter) said: it takes years to reverse the damage. Turn off your phone.


Yes we like to make fun of the coomers, but honestly it makes me feel bad. I once used to feel it was no hope, I'm ugly, and I could never get a woman. Once you fall in that pit of "oh well, fuck it, I might as well" it's hard to get out of it.
