Harvesting Beetroot & A Clean Up [Container Gardening ]

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Ivans Garden UK
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Gardening especially growing your own produce is just so good for mental health. There’s always something to think about throughout the gardening calendar. No time to dwell or focus on the negative ! Even in winter -planning and looking for new ideas.


Thanks for the update Ivan, can't beat home grown, doesn't matter what shape. Enjoy your harvest. Hope your neighbour enjoys her tomatoes and lettuce. . Looking forward to seeing the potato reveal. Thanks for sharing.


Hi Ivan my beets are kind a small but taste so good, at least you are still getting a harvest and your peppers they look great also, hi Jenny


I’ve had the best year ever with my beetroot, really large and round.
I don’t sow the seed direct into the ground, I sow in trays and then transplant the seedlings.
Feed once a week with miracle-gro in a watering can.


Thanks Ivan and Ginny, it looks like you're getting some more great harvests and some better weather ahead. Jet washing is a great way of calming and chilling out, sometimes with music playing through headphones is good also (to me). I won't tell granny how to suck eggs but I think that most of those mis-shaped beetroots will end up pickled. Have a great week you two. Take care and all the best. Stevie


My beetroot have been a disaster this year, very small. I've put it down to the 6 weeks of cold and rain that we had in May just after I planted them. The front of your caravan looks a picture Ivan. Lovely.


"Homegrown" isn't always pretty, but it is usually yummy. Once it is cut up, you will never know it looked weird. I have a hard time growing beets. If I got one as big as yours I would dance for joy. But I keep trying. I love beets and I have found that some of those tiny ones have such a sweet taste that I will eat them like I do tomatoes....just wash them first.


Great beetroot Ivan, love the video. It’s great when you can share what you grow isn’t it?


I'm the same I got 2 decent beetroot out of 20 first year in 21 yrs of growing that I've ever had an issue with beetroot 😑


Some of my beetroot grew long 😅 like carrots, and very small beets not a good season for beets for me


I’ve struggled to grow any beetroot this year. Same with radishes 🥺 Don’t know why


Wow how do you do it. Your onions nice size mine are small don't know what I've done wrong and the same with your strawberries I got 4 off mine and now it seems they are going dormant, by the way what type of strawberries are they.


what will you do with all the beetroot i never know what to use them for


Ivan if the plant has had powdery mildew can you reuse the compost that it was in


Ivan, A disappointment with the beetroot. I've always been sceptical about multi sown modules. I know you had success with the stump rooted carrots, but when think that beetroot would normally be thinned to about 6 inches apart it's asking a bit much! The 14 onions in the small container look first rate. Did you grow them from seed or were they planted as sets?


Any idea why they grew in strange shapes Ivan ?
My beetroot got badly attacked by leaf-miners this find any way of dealing with it other than harmful pesticides.


Perhaps it would have helped if they had been thinned out a bit.


My beetroot hasn’t bulbed up at all, still just leaves 🙁


oh i dont like beetroot i cant eat it but my better half likes it ive done my bit today 2 gardens worked 6 hours still we got to now things are tough food going up rents going up council tax has gone up our country is bloody exspensive im growing our own stuff to
