Weber Kettle VS SNS kettle. Quality

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Man, thank you!
You saved me money. The only thing on youtube praises these SNS grills. Probably paid for advertising.
Good and honest YouTuber! Thanks!


I just love someone who doesn't wear brown lipstick and makes a real honest review ! Big thanks from Quebec !


Man I'm glad you made this video. I was thinking about buying another Weber and came across the SNS and thought it was the perfect set up. Like Weber should make. After seeing this, I'm staying with Weber. Thank you.


Thank you very much sir. I appreciate your honesty. You have a good eye for the details and hardware. I’m glad I saw your video.


Liked and subscribed Scotty. Yep, Weber Kettle kicks the SNS Kettle quality wise for sure. I've owned Webers over the years. Quality, quality.

I must say, however, the SNS accessories like the no-spin grate and charcoal basket-water pan are top notch and they fit into the Weber Kettle like a glove.

👍on your channel,


Scotty You are the man! It’s all about that Werner kettle baby!😂


I’ve got one. I get your complaints about the nuts. But all the materials are superior to the Weber. Porcelain enameled charcoal grate, stainless steel everywhere that Weber uses aluminum, 304 Stainless cooking grate is 100x better than the chrome plated grates on the Weber, that grate is designed to be loose by the way, it spins whereas the Webers grate gets caught up on the tabs. And the thermometer may be hard to read, but it’s located in the right spot, so it’s not quite as useless as the Webers


I just bought a SNS a week ago, used it 4 times and the coating on the lid chiped. Talked to customer service snd they mailed me out a new lid with in 4 hours and told me to keep the old lid. I love the SNS grill. But it was their customer service that has me as a life long customer.


Thank you! I was very close to ordering the SnS kettle to replace my old Weber. My hold up was trying to find out if the ash sweepers would seal off the air and you showed that they will not. I was also shocked at the QC issues you pointed out. I think I'll stick with Weber and maybe upgrade it with Smoke and Sear insert for zone cooking. Your video was immensely helpful!


People need to understand these are the best comparisons when the person is not paid or given the product to review. The only way to top this comparison is to cook on them equally six months and see how they both hold up. I’m partial to Weber as well. If you like a side table the Weber Performer with the huge side table is my favorite practical kettle.


loved ur vid man, straight to the point, keeping it real, u dont give a F, continue like that, wish u success


I love it, Honesty & truth works for me brother..


Great detailed review of both. Weber is the way to go!


Man I’m so glad you made this video of the SnS grill an Weber kettle grill… I almost f** ked up
the SnS even sounds cheap in your video Thank You 👍🏽


Very revealing review, I totally agree with you. The Weber Kettle is fantastic, really good quality and it work like a charm. Plus, if anything breaks, you can get a part for cheap from lots of stores. Also, the Weber is much cheaper than the SNS.


I appreciate your review and here are my comments. FYI, Ive had the SNS Kettle for about 3 years. I also have a Weber grill.

The "made in China" trope indicating sub quality products is tired. The phone and equipment you are using to record the video were probably made in China.

Rivets vs nuts, bolts & washers; I'd rather have the later.

Running paint. I would send the grill back to SNS. The finish on mine was perfect.

Port holes. This is one of the reason that I chose the SnS over the comparable Weber. They work great and are very useful.

Gap between the bottom of the kettle and ash sweeps, I could see that as an issue. But cook in it first and see if this causes any issues.

Assembly time. Yeah it was a pain to assemble, but I only had to do it once. Took me about an hour.

SNS should stay out of the grill making business. Yeah, that's bs IMO. The SNS kettle is a great grill . It works well, and is of great quality. It is also configured to work optimally with the Slow n sear.


I liked your comparison and would be pissed if I had paint like that as well. I have the older grey version of the SnS and it didn't have those imperfections. By the way, the only thing that I have to keep tightening up on a regular basis is the thermometer, everything else is still nice and tight. I wonder if when they went to the new version in black, if they cut back on quality. After 3 years, it still looks like new and I don't cover it through the Chicago winters. Like I said, nice review.


Thanks for the video. I've been compairing the Weber and SNS grills for the past few weeks. I was very close to ordering the SNS until I saw your video. It looks like I'd better stay with the Weber...


Thanks for that honest review that was very informative. I have to watch this. I probably should’ve went with the Webber. It’s still a good upgrade from the Walmart Grill.


I paid $329 for my standard Weber Performer (the one with the folding table). It is rock solid ! For $70 I added a Flame Tech Smoke and Sizzle instead of the more expensive SNS stuff. Weber Forever!
