Top 5 Weapons to Farm For Before the August Content Update | The First Descendant

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0:00 Intro
0:57 Weapon 1
2:19 Weapon 2
3:29 Weapon 3
5:10 Weapon 4
6:45 Weapon 5
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hey guys, just wanted to point out i did a poor job of letting you know the reason to get these weapons, instead of letting you know in the intro i waited until the first weapon explanation, but these weapons and this video is intended to help you pick some weapons that will help you out in the new content update by having them, not that they will be gone any time soon, again, just that getting them may help you in some of the newer tougher content that comes out, to anyone that did not watch up to the first weapon i recommended, about 1:30 in, where i clearly state this, i apologize and appreciate all the feedback!


1. Piercing Light - Sniper Rifle
2. Afterglow Sword - Sniper Rifle
3. Enduring Legacy - Machine Gun
4. Python - Submachine Gun
5. Perforator - Hand Cannon


Okay, some things I'd like to add.
Perforator is nice and if there is something with insane shields, it may be more useful with its ability to deal with those by removing a % of the shield.
However as far as Hand Cannon's go, Nazeistra's Devotion is better. The DPS on paper for it is slightly lower than Perforator, but it is more consistent with it's very high base of 32% along with its amazing ability to Shred -30% DEF off a target when you hit a weak point. It lasts 5s and hitting again refreshes the timer. Your entire team, regardless of the element they use, can take advantage of this. There is one downside of the weapon and that is accidentally hitting an ally, as that will drain 85 MP (if you have it) from yourself to restore a paltry 12% of their max shield..., but that generally isn't a problem.

Another possible must have is the Blue Beetle. Specifically for Bunny, who EVERYONE has, but others can make use of it as well. When maxed, a Fusion skill will give a +30% multiplier to your descendant's Skill Crit Rate. Yes, that's only 3% more or so for Bunny, but for those focused on skill builds, this helps increase what she can do. The other BIG part that may help with future content is that when using a Singular skill, it casts a cleanse on yourself, removing all debuffs. Bunny's 2 and 3 trigger this, meaning you'll never be taking poison/burn/slow again or any other debuffs the enemies may throw at you (lowering your ATK or DEF....). To add, while aiming is very slow, as it is a Scout Rifle, this does give Bunny a good range option where you're out of range to use your skills anyway or need to hit a small target and the accuracy on the weapon is a perfect 100, meaning hip shooting is very accurate if you do need to run and gun (though still slower than an SMG's hip shooting, yes). It is honestly a perfect weapon for Bunny and she is already an AoE mobbing machine. Thunder Cage is the best mobbing weapon in the game, but Bunny doesn't really need help with mobbing....

On Python, you're missing out that it is one of the best bossing weapons FOR ANY CHARACTER. The weakpoint alone and the fact that it has the highest Fire Rate of all Ultimates at 923, only beat out by an Epic, Blue Blood Bloomer, with its 999, but cannot use an Ult Reactor with it... This Fire Rate coupled with the ability to raise its weak point multiplier to over x5 allow it to shred even the Devourer (hard solo, yes only 12m HP) in 30s on any descendant WITHOUT ANY SKILLS TO HELP. Just pure gun. Add on skills and you will get even quicker times.

Python is the Best in Slot boss weapon for Freyna and Valby, because even if you don't build it up to kill with itself, the shredding of Toxic and Non-Attribute ramps up their DoT's to high heaven.
And Gley has no better weapon than the Python for her Infinite Massacre builds, which is her most consistent high DPS build.

But EVERYONE should build:
- Thunder Cage as best mobbing weapon. Universally usable.
- Python, one of the best bossing weapons and multiple character's best in slot.
- Piercing Light, for the ability to Dispel (afterglow is more consistent for DPS but not a must have).
- If you like LMG's, than the pure upgrade to Tamer that is the Enduring Legacy is a must.
- Blue Beetle if one has Singular type skills as that gives you a self cleanse of debuffs in case they add any bosses in the game with nasty effects.
- Nazeistra's Devotion for the best team weapon with its -30% DEF Shredding.


Honestly, the way you phrased your “like and sub” genuinely made me sub. It’s rare that I do, but damn I respect the way you look at it!


Enduring Legacy's passive applies to what ever elemental status it's proccing, not only fire. So it's actually good for any skill based builds aside from non-attribute!


python at max duration is 2 seconds. 28 max stacks, non attribute resistance per stack is -3.6%, toxic resist per stack is -1.3%.


only thing im a little meh about is your last pick. The Nazeistra devotion has higher base crit rate at 20% same crit damage, 150round rpm, and i would say has a more universally usefull debuff. i can see how the Nazeistra could be useful if we ever get a boss where we need to bust down their shield in X time or else bad things will happen but i would rank it as more of a luxury farm kinda weapon when comparing it to the free quest given one


as hes talking im realizing at around the 1:50 mark he got 2 transcendant mods to drop at jesus


Why is it important to get these before the new patch?


Been trying to farm python for over a week no luck over that gun already


Where’s that 40 in an hour strat that “nobody is talking about” you said you were making a vid on?


I don't know why I'm watching a farming video. I just got to Swamp Walker.


Any guide on how to utilize Lepic for Mid game? I just finish up normal story and trying to do Hard Mode.


was that character blair?..and if so what was that ability and can u tell me about it please?


Python is also crazy with Valby she specifically can make it crit more with supply moisture and its insane how high the numbers get when it crits a weakspot.


Guys is tamer good enough i have already invested 2 catalyst on it or should I start investing in other weapons


Pretty solid list didn't realize enduring legacy had such a high critical hit rate


"hey guys, welcome to denneys" feels like im rocking up to a restaurant and being greeted =P


Just want to throw out there, the Nazeistra's Devotion is getting buffed in the patch and its unique effect is VERY noticeable when maxed out already. I think people be sleeping on it.


Literally all the guns were ultimates and all the ultimates are really good.
