How To Replace Rear Brakes 2012-16 Honda CR V

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Brake pads wear out over time, much like tires, and need replacing, on average, every 50,000 miles, with variations depending on driving habits and environment. Brake rotors may also need to be replaced if they are warped or grooved. Often, it’s safer and more cost effective to replace pads and rotors at the same time. Squealing or grinding noises, or wheel vibration are all symptoms of worn brakes. This video shows you how to install new, quality TRQ brake pads and rotors on your 2012-2016 Honda CRV

This repair was done on a 2014 Honda CR-V LX 2.4L and the process should be similar on the following vehicles:
2012 Honda CR-V
2013 Honda CR-V
2014 Honda CR-V
2015 Honda CR-V
2016 Honda CR-V

Tools you will need:
• 19mm Socket
• Angled Die Grinder
• T30 Socket
• Anti-Seize Grease
• Brake Grease
• Brake Parts Cleaner
• Sledge Hammer

While TRQ strives to make the information provided in this video as accurate as possible, it makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. All do-it-yourself projects entail some risk. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. TRQ is not responsible or liable for any loss damage (including, but not limited to, actual, consequential, or punitive), liability, claim, or any other injury or cause related to or resulting from any information posted in this video.
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Easily the best and most concise brake job video I have ever seen. Thank you.


Thank you for this excellent tutorial. It helped me get through the process. My brakes are working perfectly now thanks to your video.


Well put together man. Thank you for including the torque specs.


The fancy hanger for the caliper and the tool to push back the piston are handy, but you can use a coat hanger and c-clamp too. Nice video.


This was kind of annoying. It took me two hours to change my brakes. Of course my callipers were completely seized for some reason. Needed to hammer on it with a hammer and chisel for about 10 minutes then sand the caliper pins down and replaced the boots because they were totally seized in too.
One of the things I found the most annoying was first the I didn't take the house nut off which made it incredibly hard to work on and second I found the top slider extremely hard to get out and out back in without damaging it. In retrospect I probably should have cleaned the rust off the caliper a little more once I got the old clip off.
I wish I had of taken 5 minutes to watch this video before I did my vehicle it probably would have saved me an hour and a lot of frustration. 🙄

Very nice video by the way. Simply demonstrated, very easy to see and hear everything that is going on. You explained things very well. Very impressed.


Thanks for the clear and concise video. It made the job understandable and I was able to complete it with confidence. Beats the hell out of the videos of guys in flip-flops, crying kids, and barking dogs trying to explain the proper installation of the most critical components on a car.


Excellent video quality and narration. Very easy to follow.


Liked for tools needed in the description! Super helpful.


Good vid - whoever did your previous maintenance didn’t do a good job. They remove those two screws and did not replace which would’ve been there in the first place. That’s not a big deal because they’re really not necessary. But they didn’t put the grommet back either for the emergency brake adjustment hole. Brake cleaner needs to be done on both sides before mounting rotor (the emergency break interior rotor surface. Great vid!


Hi...Did you take the cap off the master cylinder while pushing the caliper piston back in?


Hi, what kind of grease do you use on the sliding pins?


Can you please do front brakes and rotors next for 4th gen CRV 💯


Loved the video. Did everything exactly as shown. Now my front brakes squeak badly. Is there a reason ?


How thick of the rotors so you can replace it?


Real nice content. New viewer I subbed. Just bought a used 2012 crv last month and the rear pads just started squealing lol. Honda always recommended silicone grease on the pins and caliper grease elsewhere. Not sure if that changed.

Are the rotors replaced at every pad change?


I tried removing the bracket but those bolts are extremely tight. Any suggestions?


hi may I ask the 2 pin caliper inside the grease black rubber boot, they are 2 different pin, 1 is round and another is has slot, do u know which one go on top or bottom or slot pin on the leading edge something...thanks you


The only warning here is to make sure that the V-shaped pad spring is properly seated on the edge of each pad and has the right angles when installed from the front of the caliper. This spring is really poorly designed as it’s not a very snug fit and has plenty of slop where at times it might not seat properly on the pad.


What type of anti seize is that and why is it brown?
