Hard Work Beats Talent Until Talent Works Hard

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I once read that "Hard Work Beats Talent Until Talent Works Hard". This is an interesting quote and in this video I talk about it and discuss how it relates to mathematics. There are plenty of examples of talent that works hard, for example Terence Tao. In the end, does it matter? What do you all think?
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Terence Tao did say on his blog that he did poorly on his PhD quals due to a mix of overconfidence (he was constantly praised from a young age) and not studying enough. Shows that we do our best when we learn the virtue of resilience and dedication, regardless of our talent.


I don't consider learning and doing math as work, it's passion.


That quote is very near and dear to my heart. I remember when I was in middle/highschool band I was the worst player in every band, symphonic, wind, jazz etc. My best friend just seemed to grasp the music so much better than me. I was so jealous. Then one day a solo got offered for our section (alto sax) and the whole section wanted it. I wanted to prove that I wasnt terrible. I spent every day for a month practicing that solo( and other stuff) for 5 or more hours a day. I wanted it soooo bad. My hardwork did pay off and i got the solo AND i got moved to first chair AND i was good enough to get offered solos for the Jazz band. that experience made me realize i dont need natural gifts to do well in life. Hardwork WORKS! In my undergraduate studies in mathematics I am surrounded with people that are far more gifted but I refuse to lag behind them.


I quite like the basketball analogy, but I can't remember where I heard it. "You don't need to be the tallest player on the court, you only need to be tall enough to play". So you don't need to be the most intelligent person to contribute in a STEM field, you just need to be intelligent enough.


One of the best examples is Kobe Bryant, that man would spend hours in the gym even though he was already one of the best .
Rip man


I teach pre-calc as a TA and on the last test, my class had the lowest average of the five sections. My class kicked into gear and worked incredibly hard, packing my office to its capacity during some of my office hours, and on the second test, the class average increased 8.5 points. They aren’t the most talented bunch of math students, but they worked hard and I am incredibly proud of them.


Another one is, "Over confedance will kill you". I saw an interview once with a Caltech professor. One of the problems that Caltech faces, is that their student body is really, really smart. They are used to being the very best at their high schools, always being the top students. Always getting that perfect score. Well, everybody is like that in the Freshman class. So, when they're handed their first C or D, or maybe even an F, it comes as an extreme shock. Some don't or can't recover. They have never received a low grade in their life. For the first time in their lives they have to really work at something.

I believe strongly that a student has to be "matched" with the college or university they attend.

I was matched to Cal State and I got in and on just fine. Had I gone to Caltech or MIT, I probably would have got my head handed to me on a platter.

That is is not to say now that I've already been through the system I can't appriciate and understand their books, papers and lectures, etc. I do. But back when I was


things who sound nice but are stupid => dangerous

things who are smart but not nice-sounding => are going to be ignored (dont get their deserved attention)

thing sound nice + thing is smart => powerful stuff

it´s nice to see videos where someone is still able to focus his attention on to something "little/short" for me than 2 seconds - this is something rare today, thank you.


But Life is a competition whether it be healthy or not. It is about winning, losing and drawing those are 3 possible results in most sports or on a quiz and it's also about learning.


The world is built by millions of people who are good at their jobs, but aren't geniuses or prodigies.


I am listening to you, while translating your speech into Gregg shorthand inside my head. Practice only.


you're so wholesome i cant we dont deserve you


In fact, I do not know whether I am in the category of talented people or in the category of hard working people


I love all your videos @themathsorcerer
This is really inspiring


This guy is either really short or he has very long arms.


I need talent to keep being lazy so I have a job.


Apply the video "don't compare yourself to others"


did you read all these books on that shelf?


But all these kids at olympads and what not, people like Terry tao, they all are all very much smarter then me, and no matter how hard i work, no matter what i do, i will not reach em


But everything is competition. So you need to win in order to succeed.
