The Real Crisis in Cosmology - Cosmic Evolution with No Big Bang

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In previous episodes of the Real Crisis in Cosmology, we saw that the Big Bang hypothesis can’t explain how structure in the universe, especially the largest objects, came to be. In episode 5, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner explains how cosmic evolution occurred without a Big Bang. Based on theories first developed by Physics Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfven, this evolution can be understood as occurring through electromagnetic and gravitational processes that are well understood here on Earth, without any mysterious dark energy, dark matter or inflation.

Some published papers referred to in this video:

Alfvén, H., 1978, Astrophys Space Sci 54, 279
Alfvén, H., 1981, Cosmic Plasma, (Holland, Reidel)
Battaner, E., Garrido, J., Membrado, M. et al. 1992, Nature 360, 652
Ceccarelli, L., Padilla, N. D., Valotto, C. and Lambas D. G., 2006, MNRAS, 373, 1440
Clowes, R., et al,2013 MNRAS, 429,2910
Collins, C.A., et al, 1986, Nature, 320,506
Dall’Olio, D. 2019, A&A 626, A36
Doi, Y., et al, 2020, arXiv:2007.00176v1
Eilek, J.A. & Owen, F.N, 2002, ApJ 567:202
Einasto, J., Hütsi, G., Suhhonenko, I., Liivamägi, L. J., & Einasto, M., 2020, arXiv:2005.03480
Govoni, F. et al, 2019, Science 364, 981
Hacar, A. et al, 2018, A&A 610, A77
Horváth, I., Hakkila, J. & Bagoly, Z., 2014, A&A 561, L12
Jałocha, J., Bratek, Ł., PȨkala, J. Sikora, S.& Kutschera, M., 2016, Ap J, 833,174
Kim, J. et al, 2019, Science Advances, 5, eaau8227
Kounkel M.& Covey K., 2019, AJ 158, 122
Li, G-X, et al, 2016, A&A 591, A5
Liu, J., Chen, X. & Ji, X., 2017, Nature Phys 13, 212
Mancera Pina, P.E., et al, 2019, ApJL 883, L33
Mészáros, A., 2019, Astron. Nachr. ,340, 564
Müller et al., 2018, Science 359, 534
Nelson, A. H., 1988, MNRAS, 233,115
Oehm, W and Kroupa, P. In Conference Cosmology on Small Scales 2018 p.30, Institute of Mathematics CAS, Prague
O’Sullivan, S. P.,et al, 2020, arXiv:2002.06924v2
Peratt, A.L., & Green, 1983, A&SS, 91, 19
Pont, F., Queloz, D., Bratschi, P.& Mayor, M. 1997, Astron. Astrophys. 318, 416
Riess, A., 2020, Nature Reviews Physics 2, 10
Salehi, A., Yarahmadi, M. and Fathi, S.,2020, arXiv:2001.01743v1
Santiago-Bautista,I., et al, 2020, arXiv:2002.03446v1
Scolnic, D. M. et al, 2018, ApJ, 859,101
Shirokov, S. I., Lovyagin, N. Yu., Baryshev, Yu. V.,Gorokhov V. L, 2016, Astronomy Reports, 60, 563
Steinhardt, C. L. , Capak, P., Masters, D., Speagle. J. S., ,2016, Ap J, 824, 21
Tsiklauri, D. ,2011, Astrophys Space Sci 334, 165
Vernstrom,T., Gaensler,B. M., Rudnick, L. Andernach H., 2019, ApJ, 878, 2,[92]
Wang, J-W. et al, 2019, ApJ 888, 13
Рекомендации по теме

I'm so attracted to this theory!
Dark matter and cosmic inflation are (some) things I have had difficulties with. Especially how some galaxies seem to have much more dark matter than others.


Thank you so much for your work. Seems to be the first hypothesis without a need for a calculation trick like "dark matter".
And i really do enjoy listening to you talking about this matter.
To me, you are the coolest guy in physics. I like very much, that you do not use too many of these confusing comparements like Bryan Greene or even Stephen Hawking.
It's facts, well served straight to the point.
Keep up that good work and, please, keep on broadcasting.
This needs to be the new standard modell...
All the best from germany (just to explain all the faults in my writing),
A huge fan


So looking towards the next episode. Your arguments are very convincing


Stars and galaxies being formed out of a primordial plasma sounds compelling, but the question then becomes "how was the plasma formed?" An exciting series to follow.


Yes, pls more scientists go through this path
We need to understand gravity first.
Not simply create stupid matter due to effect of gravity that we don't fully understand.


I'd like to suggest a lapel or shotgun mic.

It's hard to understand with all the room reverb.


What do you think of Mike McCulloch's Quantized Inertia theory as a way to explain away Dark Matter?

Could a combination of magnetic force and McCulloch's inertial mass theory combine to provide a full explanation?


I know the process! I figured it out a couple of years ago. I sent you an email at LLPfusion. Fill the universe with 'matter' say a hydrogen atom. Theres no space. When we start to fuse these hydrogen atoms THAT CREATES A SPACE, SPACE IT SELF. The more fusion happens the larger the spaces become. Like cavities. The distances between galaxies are increasing because of fusion.. atoms lose mass when they fuse. This makes space in an infinitely atom filled universe. Thanks Mark


This is great info, with the latest confirmations being discussed. It makes so much sense.


thank you very much for your work and vidéos.

I have a question:
in a non big bang universe, infinite in time, how is hydrogen regenerated ?
it should be, isn't ? otherwise after a while there is no hydrogen left after it has been consumed by stars ?
or is there an infinite amount of hydrogen and no need to regenerate ?


I do love be these talks. I can understand it. It makes sense. I am so over the Higgs "candidate" boson and the other silliness these people try to pass off as science. So like the "God partical", dark matter is just a myth.


This series of videos made me aware of Dr. Lerner's book The Big Bang Never Happened and though I'm only 1/3 of the way through it, my lifelong depression has lifted. I think a limitless universe and the Pre-Socratic philosophers have had a very positive effect on my psyche.


I really look forward to these talks. They are highly intelligent and heading in the right direction. But your kind is dwindling. I hope the remaining wise ones who understand both gravity and electromagnetics hang around for quite some time.


I'm blown away. I am a computer programmer by trade and not nearly well versed enough in physics or cosmology to properly evaluate this. I have passionately followed physics and cosmology for decades now. I don't have many words to explain how I feel right now having watched this series. I'm blown away -- if this is really accurate and true -- why aren't physicists and cosmologists looking at magnetic fields and/or at plasma physics? What gives? Are they all this daft? What's going on exactly?


This is fantastic stuff. Explains lots of things that didn't make sense to me before. I am not entirely convinced about dark matter. I am from a Big Bang perspective. I will need to read that paper about the influence of plasmas on the velocities of stars orbiting galaxies. Also from the graph you presented from the paper I haven't read yet, it doesn't seem to reflect the full velocities of stars in outer orbits. I am keen to know your view on the Cosmic Microwave Background - what is that all about given there was no Big Bang? How does plasma address dark energy and the so-called expanding [observable] universe. Looking forward to the next episode. Great work.


You’re a physicist. A brilliant one. Fix the sound!


How do you incorporate the expansion of the universe in this theory? Should the filaments be affected by it?


Question, and im hoping for an open mind here. You state that gravity started to compress the plasma. Where does this force come from? What causes gravity?


Very well explained. If you have a basic grasp of electromagnetic properties, this does seem a very plausible theory with experimental and observational evidence to support it. The mathematics of how plasma behaves is beyond my training, thank you for making these concepts easily understandable.


You are the dude! Thank you for sticking your neck out and presenting the rational alternative.
The group think and hierarchical control within far too many science disciplines is doing immense harm to the pursuit of science.
