How to create a Timeline//Start to Finish//Screenwriting 101

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This week we continuing our series which will allow you to go from idea to first draft. Today we learn how to create a timeline.

If you are looking for a wonderful screenwriting course, take a look at:

The world's most comprehensive step-by-step professional screenplay development system that guides you through the seven distinct phases of the creative process:

– Setup / Preparation – where you pre-align your creativity and make action a daily habit
– Focus / Development – where you gather and shape your ideas and design a compelling story
– Apply / Writing – where you get your story out of your mind and onto the page
– Strengthen / Rewriting – where you turn any screenplay draft into a solid story
– Tweak / Polishing – where refine it into a gripping, page-turner screenplay they can't put down
– Alignment / Testing – where you use notes and feedback to ensure your project's viability
– Payoff / Connecting – where you find and connect with your project's ideal producer

This infinitely reusable system is a year-long program that builds the 200-300 distinct skills required of a professional screenwriter. Once you learn the system, each step and phase snap together into an integrated whole on every subsequent draft and project, making professional-grade screenwriting gradually intuitive, and results effectively inevitable. Develop pro-caliber material in one month!

Upon completion of FAST Screenplay as instructed, writers will qualify for the new Writer's Room (currently in development), where we'll bring 8-10 writers together, and each will develop an original project to a then-specific set of production parameters. At the end of a 4-6 month season, we will select at least one (and up to all ten) of the projects, and then produce them. Writers will get a credit and an ownership percentage in ALL films written in their group. The goal is to get writers the experience of seeing their words turned into a film, since that otherwise-rare experience helps writers understand the craft of screenwriting more than any other single thing.

Time stamp
00:00 - 00:22 - Introduction
00:23-01:00 -What is a Timeline and why it is important.
01:01-01:46-Character is Structure
01:47-02:16 - Parts of a Timeline
02:17-03:06 -How different characters have different decisions
03:07-03:41-difference between story structure and narrative structure
04:42-05:16 -Writing Exercise
05:16- 6:55 - Outro, update on Dagon, Shoutouts
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