What 30g of Protein Looks Like (Top 10 Foods)

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Health Coach Kait (BSc Nutrition & Exercise) is a certified health and nutrition coach specialising in blood sugar control and insulin resistance. Learn more about health topics including lowering blood sugar, lowering A1c, reversing insulin resistance, weight loss, abdominal fat loss, lowering blood pressure, reversing PCOS and more. Getting healthy does not have to be difficult. Small changes, big results - reverse insulin resistance with Health Coach Kait!

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0:00 Intro
0:15 Why do we need protein?
0:46 Beef
2:12 Eggs
3:46 Chicken
4:48 Wild caught salmon
5:13 Whey protein
7:04 Shellfish
7:41 Pork
8:40 Lamb
9:14 Kangaroo

This video is for general informational purposes only. It must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. Some of the links above are affiliate links which means I make a small commission when you shop through them at no extra cost to you. I do not align myself with any brand that I do not 100% love, use and trust.
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Do you struggle to hit your protein goal?


1. Beef 2.Eggs 3. Chicken 4.Salmon 5. Greek Yogurt (Unsweetened) 6. Whey Protein 7. Shellfish 8. Pork 9. Lamb 10. Kangaroo, yes she lives in Australia. You are welcome ❤️


I Have to make a conscious effort to try to count it. Keeping my carbs under 50 is harder to do 🙂☕👍


Protien meal-1 grass fed beef pattie 21 grams
3 Pasture-raised eggs 18 grams
1 serving unsweetened Greek yogurt with grass-fed
chocolate whey protein powder mixed in. ( topped with a few organic blueberries;) Thanks for the insights, Kait. Focusing on protein has helped curb late night cravings. Keep up the great work!😉❤


Kait, that low fat mentality is a tough nut to crack. I realized today I'm far better off eating more fat versus eating any sweetener or high GI carb. I'm just going to keep it simple going forward. After falling off my saddle today, I'm ready to get back on it tomorrow.


This lady is 100% spot on
With clear and accurate information
Although not sure about the Lamb
Never ever seen a comp prep that includes lamb or pork.
Kanagroo, Chicken and Salmon mostly.
You can get venison in AU now too


You were the first person to introduce me to animal based type content more than 5 years ago, crazy I haven’t been recommended a video from you in years even though I’m subscribed. Amazing work and congrats on half a million 🎉


This is such a helpful video!! I eat at least 4-6 eggs when i have them for breakfast 😅


I shoot for about 40-50g protein per meal. Recent studies have shown that you can even go upwards to100g per meal and you will still utilize all of that protein throughout the day. I often take a simple whey shake ( water and whey) fast absorbing with my breakfast to start my day.


I reached roughly 8lbs above my target weight doing keto and have been stuck there (within a 3 lbs range) for months. Some weeks I’m down a couple of lbs, and sometimes up a couple. I never realized that I needed to hit a minimum of 30g of protein. Not only have I struggled to lose weight but I have been in TEARS because of hair loss! I’m definitely going to change a few things! I generally do intermittent fasting and only eat two meals a day. Both meals, I will be targeting at least 30 grams of protein. Also, I used to add collagen to my morning coffee and stopped for some reason, I’ll be starting that again as well!


Sardines, even the cheapest ones that sell for $1 a can have 25 grams of protein. Chicken drumsticks at $4 a kilo would be the cheapest source of protein.


I blend 4 home raised eggs with a big spoon of cottage cheese, along with cinnamon and garlic powder.


Always a great video from Kait! Always great information from HCK! Thanks! ❤


Props for throwing the ideal weight in. So many forget that, just assume people know it or because they are like -0% bodyfat.


You are so welcome! I’m glad I could help!


Thank you Kait. At last I now know how much 30 g of food looks like. So much appreciated...I am newly diagnosed with prediabetes....


morning Kait, it's 0500 and can't sleep(yuck). Anyway, you are starting to alarm me! Well, not really, but lately I've been trying to visualize what 30g of protein looks like so I make sure I'm getting enough(I'm not!)...and voila - here you are!!!! Are you reading my mind? Do I need to start wearing my aluminum hat? 😆😆😆I'm joking of course, but again - right on time! Thank you.


I’m so glad I found your channel and it’s very cool that you’re also in Australia and can recommend local sources. My family ate a lot of kangaroo when we lived in SA, but Tasmania only stocks small amounts of wallaby in supermarkets


Thanks Kaiti, that was excellent, big help, ❤


What about 2 eggs and a can of sardines or 2 boiled eggs and 1 cup of beans or 2 eggs and 1 cup of beans.
