Vader Slaughters the Separatist Leaders *Red Saber* Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Edit

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This scene with a purple saber is on my Instagram rn @starwars4you_yt
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I think it would of been nice if, Anakin actually had a red saber in rots. But for lore reasons, he obviously didn’t. Liked the edit btw


Would’ve been epic if vader received a red lightsaber by darth sidious right after killing mace windu, like he had it in a drawer ready for him. Anakin kept the blue one in his belt and just used the red one. Then obi wan would’ve picked up the blue one that he gave to luke from his body at mustafar, or somewhere between the fight obi wan cuts vaders red lightsaber and he is then forced to use the blue one until he gets all dismembered by obi wan


1:17 the lightsaber turns blue momentarily


Take care in visrois mind

He going to make sandwiches and make the bed and tuck me in when vader walks through the door oh s##t


I just wish they had done this scene more like the novel,

When he first walks in the viceroy thought he was still anakin

But you look like….
Looks are deceiving

Lord sidious promised us peace
The transmission was garbled, he promised you in pieces,

He said we would be handsomely rewarded

I am your reward, you don’t find me handsome?

