Top 10 Unsettling Magic Books That Invoke Evil

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Top 10 Unsettling Magic Books That Invoke Evil

From books full of dark magic spells to books that carry curses and, some with instructions on how to summon the devil, readers beware as we enter the world of the Top 10 Unsettling Magic Books That Invoke Evil. 

#top10 #cursed #books #curses #mysteries #unsolved #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #terrifying #unexpected #weirdest #horrorbooks #demonic #ancient #ancientbooks

Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:11 - The Lesser Key Of Solomon 
1:16 - The Untitled Grimoires 
2:23 - Sorrows Of Young Werther
3:18 - The Picatrix
4:05 - The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
5:26 - The Book of Black Magic and Pacts
6:08 - Codex Gigas 
7:19 - The Grand Grimoire 
8:26 - The Book of Soyga 
9:46- The Munich Manual 

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Olivia says that we aren't sure who wrote The Lesser Key Of Solomon, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it was King Solomon


The reason why many Grimoires are so dangerous to others is because the book doesn't belong to the reader, but the witch or mage that created it. To a witch their Grimoire is apart of them, like a leg or arm. Some even believe it to be an extension of their soul, such as has been taught in my family for generations. Never mess with a Grimoire that doesn't truly belong to you.


Wonder if the devil thinks of us as telemarketers from how mamy books we have to contact him.


I love watching your videos. You have a wonderful way of dictating the stories. 😃


Messing with the spiritual world is beyond our human reach. it shouldn't be played with. love your videos. This one was sweet!!


I’m the type of person who wants to do something after being told not to but dark magic isn’t something I would wanna mess with.


I was friends with a lady for 2 years into witch craft. She even successfully made a dibik box. She has copies of parts of these books. And allegedly if you have all the books said to summon the devil.(as none are apparently complete spells).you can.


Hi Olivia! Well Done! Have a good one!👍


In terms of Witches it would make sense why they would warn non witches of foreseeable misfortune…Witches usually know spells or encantations to protect themselves from the darkness they are summoning.


Awesome video! These types of topics are really interesting. Hope to see more like this! Plus you're my favorite host!


Call me crazy but I want one of these books


I rather a demon walk alongside me than a human that betray you for a penny 💀


It's always good to see you Olivia, you're very pleasant 😊


Thanks Liv, awesome as always ( the triple A's of top ten) !!!


The book of Soyga inspired some of the story lines of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood !!! The drawing of the eye with arrows line coming out was portrayed as being the other side of the door of forbidden knowledge. Wow !!


Content is great i have been faithfully watching since 2016


The secret magic of abremaline the mage has lots of philosophical implications. Including the Books of Moses.
The first notion that it was cursed wasn’t actually a curse.
It was a hermit who had gotten his hands on the book. Decided to practice what it said and then went into society with notifications on the future he withheld in his own spiritual journey via his angelic path.
The people of the time were thinking this man was insane.
Was set into a traditional place “south of France” where he would ramble on about his experiences. Not to mention that he was living in abhorrence and his own knowledge about his own experiences was declared as insanity.
White jackets anyone?
I got ahold of this book when I didn’t have tv, dvds, or anything to do but read and study up on the book.
I had stuff stolen and a couple other things happen but it was my angel telling me my path was different.
The magical book of Solomon now that has truly got me from a early stage into sorcery.
Nothing evil has happened. I was sleeping while the greater and lesser keys audiobook was playing.
I woke up right before the lesser keys (the demonic rights and rituals) meant to stop me from allowing the goetic demons into my life.
So we have beings that take care and value us as earthly beings.
Have read a couple other occult books that you didn’t put on here. I was placed into the white room and was told to be careful.
Lots of people have never experienced the white room.
It’s where people who are placed into comas are.
I was sitting across a silver table talking to a brilliant being of light. Just as sure as you are a physical human reading this right now. So many curses and all this other bs.
IT’s when you dabble and than just say yeah ok I’m back to watching TV and playing video games.
Angels and demons take it as an insult and will take retribution upon us as humans if we call upon them and than. Just say let’s watch ghost stories.
It’s nothing to be scoffed at.


A Wiccan doesn’t use dark magick. We believe harm none and what deed ye do comes back times 3. Real wiccans are peaceful and non violent.


Some of these books aren't nessasarally curse. What people could be saying is a "curse" is really people trying to preform spells or rituals in the books without know what they're really doing, and letting in an extreamly negative spirit. Its uneducation. Not a curse.


Invoking the 72 with the Salomon's key. Something that Aleister Crowley would be proud of
