neovim on windows 3 - snippets and vim lsp with examples in python and rust

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------------------ Useful Links ------------------------------------
------------------ Video Sections --------------------------------
0:00 Introduction
1:40 demonstration of LSP
3:46 preqrequisites cargo rust and npm (node js)
5:00 recap of previous plugins
5:35 reverting our neovim config
6:10 installing ultisnips
9:10 vim lsp and vim lsp settings
13:37 autocompletion engines
15:10 LspInstallServer in vim lsp settings
15:37 C# is not that good in vim lsp settings
16:25 Other language support is decent
17:22 I probably needed to restart nvim for lsp servers to start
19:11 lsp server test for python
21:45 lsp servers kind of get wonky with multiple file types across different tabs
22:17 testing lsp servers with rust
25:17 rust lsp in action
27:36 conclusions
---------------------[Playlists and Relevant Github Repositories]----------------------------------------------
Fluid Mechanics and Git Repos:
Petroleum Downstream Crash Course Playlist:
OpenFOAM for Windows 10 Beginner Playlist and some Git Repos
OpenFOAM Intermediate Playlist and some Git Repos
OpenFOAM Heat Transfer Playlist and GitHub Repo
Convection Boundary Layer and git Repos:
Turbulence Modelling Playlist
Control Systems and Frequency Response
OpenFOAM C++
OpenFOAM Bash
Basic Samba
Manjaro Tips and Tricks
lammps and Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)
playing with dotnet core
dotnet core github repo
------------------ Video Sections --------------------------------
0:00 Introduction
1:40 demonstration of LSP
3:46 preqrequisites cargo rust and npm (node js)
5:00 recap of previous plugins
5:35 reverting our neovim config
6:10 installing ultisnips
9:10 vim lsp and vim lsp settings
13:37 autocompletion engines
15:10 LspInstallServer in vim lsp settings
15:37 C# is not that good in vim lsp settings
16:25 Other language support is decent
17:22 I probably needed to restart nvim for lsp servers to start
19:11 lsp server test for python
21:45 lsp servers kind of get wonky with multiple file types across different tabs
22:17 testing lsp servers with rust
25:17 rust lsp in action
27:36 conclusions
---------------------[Playlists and Relevant Github Repositories]----------------------------------------------
Fluid Mechanics and Git Repos:
Petroleum Downstream Crash Course Playlist:
OpenFOAM for Windows 10 Beginner Playlist and some Git Repos
OpenFOAM Intermediate Playlist and some Git Repos
OpenFOAM Heat Transfer Playlist and GitHub Repo
Convection Boundary Layer and git Repos:
Turbulence Modelling Playlist
Control Systems and Frequency Response
OpenFOAM C++
OpenFOAM Bash
Basic Samba
Manjaro Tips and Tricks
lammps and Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)
playing with dotnet core
dotnet core github repo