Snow Joe Shovelution Back Saving Snow Shovel - Hands On Review

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Hands On Review of the Snow Joe Shovelution
Back Saving Snow Shovel

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3-2-2023 So we purchased our Snow Joe shovel in 2021 and until today had taken residence in our shed tags still attached. We experienced a very heavy and continuous snowfall for the past few days which stopped yesterday in the early morning hours. After watching this video a few times and with my confidence level high thought I'd take the shovel for its first ride. For me the "lift handle" was a bit unweidly although I continued use for appx thirty minutes. The lift handle became much too much for me to handle with any success and decided to remove it. Glad I did, and was able to easily clear several pathways. Appreciated your work to stage and shoot the video. Thought commenting here might help those also struggling as I had. Thank you.


This thing is ridiculously awesome. I don’t know if it will hold up to a lot of use but it WORKS. I can do 10 times more work with this.


Thank you for doing this review! I've started watching others & yours is the BEST! (I watched others before buying this product, but wanted a quick reminder about how to get the most out of this.) If you are not a pro instructor/teacher/trainer, you SHOULD be. You are a NATURAL!


I had no problem using this. It was so much easier on my back and arms.


At the point in my life where I needed to know how to use a newfangled snow shovel 😄 never thought it was going to get this bad. Thanks for the quick and informative video.


I have a broken back. This really does lighten the load on my back and makes my other arm do more work 👍 pleasantly surprised


I'm a Mainer, have lived in the Northeast all of my life and the Weather - HEAVY Snow, WET ICY Snow, Blizzards, White Out, Wind Blowing Biting Cold SNOW, Snow SQUALLS of all Kinds, can be so Brutal on your back, BELIEVE me ! Went to use my Shovel the other day and it was BROKEN of Course, Poor TIMING to say the least. Amazon shipped me my Snow Joe in 2 Days with Prime and it doesn't take the Winter Blizzards Away, but it sure does take a BITE out of Back Pain ! So much Quicker too !!! Thanks !!! Another Product too is the Snow Joe Snow Broom that all females or short ones should never be without. Great for cleaning off the vehicle in no time. Makes it so much easier on us. Got many of their summer gadgets too, but this Back Saver and Snow Broom for the Vehicle beats them all. Lots of products, check Snow Joe out now before the Blizzard or during Spring before Summer comes. Thanks so so much ! I love you Snow Joe !


Excellent explanation and excellent shovel - I got one 3 or so years ago and it is great for me being able to now move my built up snow piles I make with Double Shovel 'push' method - leaving big piles that NOW with this Shovel and can might man throw into the yard whereas 30 years of so before my lower back football disk blow out takes me out - and I'm strong athletic but all Roads lead to Rome - and no lower back - game over


They need to have adjustable height in both handle parts to modify it's layout for various size people and this will sell like crack in snow zones


My brother gave me one for Christmas and today we've got snow. I read the instructions to put it together but then, what's this extra handle for? This video clears it up because not even the product mentions it's benefits. Thanks for clearing that up!


Nice job
Next spray with cooking oil
Snow slide off easy


The one big innovation we need with this Fantastic shovel is some type of handle button adjuster on the Strap length so that I could find the ideal length to my Height so that I'm pretty much standing up straight with - as you pointed out - no to low back bend - so it would be like Crutches or those click button adjusters - my strap needs to be about 3" longer But even Wolf D here should be able to push a button on the Strap handle and lengthen it about 4" since he looks taller - not complaining but it could be a major improvement since we've got 5'0 Women all the way to 6'6" guys


6'4", and shoveling always hurts my back. Definitely picking this up!


Just received mine today. So when winter hits later this year 202, I will see how it works.


Thanks so much for your it was very informative. Nice Job! i buy one


If only I could take a big bowl to eat some snow ❄️


Is the ergonomic spring handle attachment available separately to retrofit an existing snow shovel?


How is the plastic pan attached to the pole shaft? When I see other plastic pan shovels similar to that one it appears there is one screw attaching the pan to the pole. This makes me skeptical about the reliability. I just shoveled that heavy wet stuff yesterday and although I pushed for the most part I did have to lift and toss at intervals.


Check out the Garant Snow Sleigh. Move snow with no lifting.


I used that, and this is the second day my entire body hurt. Either I didn’t do it right, or I’m too puny, at 4’ 9”.
