Interdisciplinary Research Seminar – ‘Behind the Scenes...' by Superintendent Aubrey Quatre

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The contemporary landscape of criminal investigations has witnessed a paradigm shift towards the integration of scientific support services. This recognition by law enforcement agencies globally underscores the growing significance of forensic science, a multifaceted discipline encompassing a diverse array of scientific techniques. The continual development and implementation of these methodologies demonstrably enhance the probability of securing convictions in court. The foundation for such conviction rests upon irrefutable scientific evidence, offering a more objective and reliable alternative to potentially subjective witness testimony.
The imperative for the Scientific Support and Criminal Records Bureau (SS&CRB) to embrace contemporary practices in forensic investigation is paramount in the current legal landscape. While the SS&CRB plays a vital role in upholding the gold standard of criminal justice administration through scientific investigation, its contributions often remain under-recognized by the public. In alignment with the Police Commissioner's 2023 strategic plan, which emphasizes professionalizing police investigations through the expansion of support units like the SS&CRB, this presentation serves a twofold purpose. Firstly, it offers a snapshot of the SS&CRB's activities, aligning with the strategic plan. Secondly, it aims to raise awareness among local and international partners regarding the SS&CRB's expertise and specialization. This increased cognizance can foster collaboration and attract new talent, including academic professionals, to the field. Building upon its current successes, the SS&CRB, in collaboration with its partners, aspires towards a future characterized by a robust model of scientific investigation, prioritizing service quality and upholding the demands of the judicial system.
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