Let's end ageism | Ashton Applewhite

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It's not the passage of time that makes it so hard to get older. It's ageism, a prejudice that pits us against our future selves -- and each other. Ashton Applewhite urges us to dismantle the dread and mobilize against the last socially acceptable prejudice. "Aging is not a problem to be fixed or a disease to be cured," she says. "It is a natural, powerful, lifelong process that unites us all."

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I've read a lot of the comments that have been posted here...Applewhite is just bringing awareness to something that is very, very real, despite all the possible faults in her way of delivering her message. I'm from Colombia. Discrimination against old people is deeply rooted on all of those prejudices we all have against old age, imparted by the same media that has affected how we view gender, race, etc. We see aging as an impairment, a disease that needs to be isolated even, and as part of our culture, this view on age DOES affect how they feel, their productivity and generates more issues in their health. While they do get financial benefits, seats on the bus, etc., it's about how they're "othered". Please don't dismiss her message.


In Eastern culture, people view the elders as precious treasures in their families and societies.


Now an older person, but with the joy of helping younger people for many years, I embrace the energy and ideas of thoughtful people regardless of age. We need each other so much these days and we need the goodness innate within us to shine by being heard. The noise of the dissatisfied is loud and, perhaps, warranted. What gives me hope are intergenerational gatherings to sing, to protest, to listen, and to understand. I assure you, no matter your age, these things inherently bring joy.


All prejudice relies on othering. So true. Thank you 🧡


Incredibly good talk! As an active 68 year old, I have personally experienced blatant and open age discrimination in employment. As this presenter says: "Ageism is the last acceptable prejudice". And it's especially prevalent in the labor market.


Wow...judging by these comments, Ms. Applewhite has really struck a nerve. As an old person, I really wish more of you would have listened to the heart of what she is saying, even if you disagree with the way she says it. Just you wait...you'll see.


Ageism isn't only about treating "old" People different. Youths ideas and opinions often get ridiculed based on their age, it simply isn't a single "age-group" problem.


It sucks depressing and stressful .I was alot happier when I was younger. You lose your youth and beauty, and lose mobility..You become ignored, etched out and invisible . People treat you really mean .Unless you look alot younger, and are a professional .And that's that.


At the age of 57 I had to find a new job because my employer was retiring and selling his business. Working for him was why I had stayed there for 21 years. For the first time ever I couldnt find a job, no one would hire me although I had an excellent record, great references and wasnt wanting more money than people with much less experience. For the first time ever I was afraid. A year and a half later someone finally hired me, that was 4 years ago. I am the oldest person at my job. Unlike my MUCH younger coworkers I show up, and work hard. I dont have to take off work due to bf drama, sick children, sick self or just because I need a " mental health" day. NO, I show up and I work and work hard because if I dont or should I make a mistake or forget something I know the first thought will be that Im getting too old or have dementia. Im 61, I have to work twice as hard and keep a cheerful atitude at all times to keep those thoughts out of the mind of my boss and coworkers...It sucks ... Of course there are older people that cant hang and can’t do the job, but from my experience there are also many young people that cant or just wont do a job either...


This talk was well-organized, clearly articulated with telling examples, and backed by data from reputable sources. No doubt, the topic and the clear, energetic delivery will make some people uncomfortable. And, I suppose it's human nature to be more motivated to comment on a talk one dislikes or that strikes a nerve. Ironically, the negative comments, with their personal attacks, lack of logic, and knee-jerk bias, actually support the presentation by demonstrating just how prevalent and serious the problem of ageism is.


Some of you clearly didn't listen...
It was a great talk. Really effective. I loved it!


Ageism is a real thing anybody 25 and over knows what I mean it only adds more depression to people's lives


I left a toxic work environment, but now I wish I hadn't. I'm 40 and I've been struggling to get a new job. I've gotten a few interviews, but no offers. I don't know if it's age discrimination since age doesn't come up, but I've never had this much trouble getting a job in my 20s and 30s.


Personally as a young women I've experienced many times older women treating me well, like a dummy, treating me like I'm a child and they're more mature and experienced etc and it drives me mad! (especially in the workplace). Maturity isn't dependent on age, but life experience, and that I've got plenty. Is this considered ageist behavior?


I really needed to hear this talk as a young adult who has fear of aging 👍👍👍👏👏 Applewhite did an amazing job in this speech. Short, precise, inspiring, and incredible!!!


The comment section only shows how Ageism exists.


Ms. Applewhite reminds me of a sociology professor I had last semester. Great TED Talk!


if you acctually think about what she is saying and listen properly, it is a pretty good and relevant talk.


I agree we should challenge bias and prejudice including ageism. Younger people say we are just being grouchy when we speak up though.


Frankly, now that we're working when we're older and retiring older, it becomes a more pressing issue.
