Ashton Applewhite | Let's end ageism! | Author | Speaker

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We had Ashton Applewhite on The Porch this month to talk about Ageism. Unfortunately, like many biases, the idea that aging is BAD has made its way into our brains and beliefs. This means we have negative judgments towards others that we deem “old” (and toward our FUTURE SELVES!)

In this episode, Ashton helps us think differently about age:

-What if life got BETTER as we get older? (The U-shape curve of happiness demonstrates this.)
-What if it’s not helpful to our well-being to retire right at 65? Can we change our own expectations about what retiring means?
-What if older employees have very different skill sets that your company needs to hold onto? What if they help reduce turnover by their presence?

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