Alameda stops landlord's project that would raise rent

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Alameda's city council has temporarily blocked a construction project at one of the largest apartment complexes in the city after complaints from tenants about how it would raise their rent.

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They need to stop all the non sense going on at the hospital as well. I was there on Friday and some strange things were happening. I really need my treatment soon hopefully Monday will be better.


This same kind of shit is happening in Jacksonville Florida, and what you have are the low income people being pushed out of independence and unable to live in their own apartments--required to take bus or car 10, 20, 30+ miles from their menial paltry hourly wage jobs because they cannot afford to live anywhere around where they work. Many of the rentals are doing this. It's rather disgusting and laws need to be made against this kind of thing. Not just this, but app fees and admin fees, and ambiguous requirements, for rentals, allowing them to deny apps and make free money. It's all a scam that especially hurts low income


No landlord is happy to raise rent on good renters, but with heating costs property tax and everything going up, it’s an evitable😢


Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor-James Baldwin


Greedy landlords and developers aren't the problem. CEQA, restrictive zoning, risky legal environment, and high impact fees drive the problem. If the landlords were the problem, altruistic nonprofit developers/landlords would be the solution. Good landlords drive bad landlords out of the market. Bad public policies and regulations drive good landlords out of the market. If you think the landlords aren't being reasonable, start building housing and out-compete them. Offer something better for less.


ya were gonna make "renovations" to your complex and YOUR aka tenants are gonna pay for it!?!? How is that even remotely American way of life. smh


Wow, property improvement costs are going to be passed on to the tenants who benefit from such improvements. We cannot have that. Does this landlord not realize that he lives in Commifornia where people are entitled to subsidized housing at the landlord’s expense? If the government scuttles this improvement project by not permitting the rent increases, the next step will be the tenants suing the landlord for not making needed improvements. We can also anticipate politicians giving interviews to the new media expressing wonder at why nobody is investing in new apartment units.


raising rent to put people on the street and then complaining about people on the street


I own property.
I rent that property to a couple that has children.
They pay the rent.
I make a profit margin off of that rent payment.
The city assesses the property every 6 months.
That assessment gets higher every single time.
So the taxes go up every single time they assess.
The monthly payment on the taxes is $800.
There are other costs that I must pay throughout the year.
The rent payment is $2100.
Am I a greedy landlord?


They follow the law 😅😅😅 democratic cities failing on everything they touch


That place needed an upgrade I'm sure it wasn't cheap


Well move out. Landlords have those rights


A fundamental principal of real estate is that tenants bid rents to their final price. Landlords cannot set price like many people assume (and sadly, some city planners who have never studied economics or the real estate market). The improved units would not rent out if the price was too high. It's unfortunate for those struggling financially and will need to move. But seeing construction crews improving the quality of housing units is ultimately better for the city than a city in decay.


Funny thing is all the costs for my home improvements are passed on to me also . Can the Communists running our government help me as well 😢


This is crazy. There’s no law against this, but they’re trying to impose one retroactively?


Think they'll stop tax increases that raise rents? Nah didn't think so


That's just like putting in a weight room. Someone has to pay for it.


Landlords should b able to set the rent as high as they want. Don’t rent, if u can’t afford. Don’t live in an area where the standard of living is high. Ugh… TF is wrong with ppl expecting hand outs!?!?


Incentive of owning an apartment building for business or investment is long gone in the Bay Area. Tennants have numerous unreasonable rights, and now one cannot even upgrade their oun property? That in itself lowers the property value. Terrible.


I really do hate it for the renters, but the fact is, it's the landlords building. He should be able to do whatever he wants to it. If he wants to change it into the Trump hotel, that's his prerogative.
