Has God Abandoned Me?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1689
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Have to admit I feel abandoned right now. My dad, grandmother, and my wife (the love of my life) have all passed away in the last 3 months. My heart is shattered and I feel God has left me. All I think about is how much I wish God would take me home, so I can be with Him and see my wife again.


Felt this was just yesterday. I was so miserable for no reason. I had to pray God would just show me the smallest hint of light at the end of the tunnel. I was so sad, ya’ll. Hope this video helps whoever feels that way now. 😞


I love this, a great lesson to remember in the coming days. I was just studying about Joseph and thinking about how long he was in prison, God used it for so much good and Joseph recognized that I think. Instead of giving up, he kept serving the Lord throughout.


All I know is that the bad people enjoy a good life here while the good ones don't.


At 18, after many years of chronic debilitating pain and health issues, there are times when I have felt like God has abandoned me. Yet, more and more each day I feel that He is all the more near. I know that His judgements are right, and out of faithfulness He has afflicted me. (Psalm 119:75) Many of my questions regarding suffering and the purposes of God have not been answered, and they likely will not be until Heaven. But I remember a quote from C.S. Lewis's book, Till We Have Faces: 'I know now, Lord, why You utter no answer. You are Yourself the answer. Before Your face, questions die away. What other answer would suffice?' Indeed, before His face, questions fade away. Hold fast to your faith, even if you do not feel He is near. He is between us and the edge the whole time. Steady onwards.


Please pray that God saves me and fills me with His Holy Spirit


I love this. I left a good paying job that was toxic and took a leap into the unknown. I was so anxious and God took care of my worries. I’m working a job that takes care of the bills comfortably that I truly enjoy and It all starts with faith in His plan. Thank you


I feel abandoned my grandma died 2 months ago since then I've had mental issues and been depressed I've prayed so much and he won't help me


This message was for me. Thank you Jesus💙


I've been so much into faith, I'm abandoned totally by God, and today I have no hope, I'm single, lonely and feel unwanted... I've had sadness because of following a religious life and abandoned from Seminary and now thinking of finding nothing in life, it's painful and I give up totally


God please I need Your help. I don’t know what else to do. I’m so stuck. If You don’t help me Lord what do I do? I have nobody else to turn to apart from You. Please Lord please help me I beg You


Please pray for me that my faith may not fail if it is not a burden


Very sweet and very true. Lets be careful with ourselves, not to be led away from our beloved Lord by the things of this world. If we go seeking for pleasure in anything other than Christ, we are forsaking the fountain of living water and well be left thirsty and desolate. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!! Thank you pastor John for opening the Word of truth for us!! God bless you all in Christ!


Thank for this! Yes, I only feel distant from him when it’s due my own behavior. But at the same time I know he’s always with me.


Thank you and God bless Yall 😄🙏💓 I really needed to hear this to be reminded that God will never leave me or forsake me, 🙋🙏💓 Amen 🙏


Aw I needed this so bad and it is so…both good and bad to know that others struggle with this too. But knowing it’s ME and not God is SO helpful. Because I can trust He is always there and will be there in the end. I remember that first sweetness with Jesus. Where I would run to pray to just spend time in His presence. I know He will hold me fast.


HALLELUJAH! PRAISE BE TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! The Lord is with us always. I was just in a season where I felt like the Lord left me and I was doomed and bound to die. I felt like this because I’ve never had a supernatural encounter with God and I’ve never seen any big sign or wonder. From this I’ve started to lose faith and began to mourn because I felt alone and dead. But, I then decided to put my trust in the Lord and God saved me. He showed me that I must have faith in him no matter what, even if I feel and see nothing. Faith in God is NOT a feeling but a decision. God reminded me that the generation we are in now demands a sign so that they may believe but will get nothing because of their unbelief and faithlessness. We must believe ALWAYS even if we see no sign because the Lord our God is with us always even till the end of the age. He will be with us for eternity if we trust him and accept him. In John 20:29, Jesus says "…Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."


I’ve had two head thrashing experiences with God, one was when after I went back to an old sin, I felt fine for about 8 minutes, until the most gut wrenching horrible feeling of loneliness I’ve ever felt in my left. It was supernatural, it was unreal. The emotional pain and detachment and loneliness I felt was the absolute worse pain of my life. I wept bitterly until I cried myself to sleep, I woke up and prayed, and prayed, and felt no answer for a time, until I heard a video similar to this, and I prayed that prayer, and I felt a wave of relief, for at the time I feared for my soul. I don’t know if god really did abandon me, or if he did for just a while as a message, or still hasn’t returned to me, but this is my story.


I feel that God has abandoned me.

I feel that so thoroughly yet when I listen to that emotion, I know it's wrong.

I know it's all wrong and empty. I feel empty when I listen to that emotion.

But when I trust in God. I trust in Eternity.

God watch over me


Oh my goodness his is me … it’s awful . It feels like God doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore … and it feels so sad .. I feel like I’m not important to God anymore …
