Lukas Graham - Love Someone (Lyrics)

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Hope you enjoy this amazing masterpiece from the amazing Lukas Graham! <3
Correction: "You Make Room" - Sorry!


I was 19, you were 17, we met and fell for each other
I was 20, you were 18, we were so happy together and promised each other loving futures we will make
I was 21, you were 18, I told myself that I will keep that image of your smile in my heart forever
I was 22, you were 18, I visited you on your birthday and told you how hard things have been for me in the past years
I was 23, you were 18, I had to accept that it was your last birthday, because your life has stopped at the 18th mark
I'm 24, you are still 18, I wish I could have protected you, my dear


Don't be sad over someone who doesn't appreciate you. Believe me, someone will eventually come into your life and make you feel appreciated. Maybe it is not now, but soon! So, live your life till the fullest, okay? ❤


Lukas Graham is truly amazing! Looking forward to his new album! ❤️


My grandma is in the hospital right now and I’m really scared...this song makes me feel a little better. If anyone reading this has grandparents or just parents or even any loved one, give them a hug right now. 💕


The loneliest people are the most kind,

The saddest people have the brightest smiles,

The most broken people are the wisest,

All because they do not want to see anyone suffer the way they do,

Not my words but help me spread it.


Hey you! Random person scrolling,

Be safe and take care of yourself ok?


Incase no one has told you this today yet

You are sweet, kind, smart, lovely, wonderful, and an amazing person ❤️


Ah, I swear my girlfriend is the best person ever, she told me to listen to this song.

Our relationship is rough because of my family problems but she helps me escape my realities, and I'm so glad and grateful that I have her.
There is nothing in this world I would trade her for, she is the most precious thing in existence, and all I want to be is with her no matter where she is, I will protect her with my life.

I love her dearly, and I understand how much she loves me...
Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it.
Thank you, love, for giving me comfort when no one else did... I love you so much. ❤

Edit: Unfortunately she had to stop seeing me...
I can't go deep into details without feeling guilty or wanting to cry.
I hope that we can talk again and that I can be forgiven, I'm so sorry if I caused worry or pain, I never meant to make you feel guilty over what we hid...
I wish the best for you, keep your chin up and stay happy, love... hopefully until things are sorted out between us.
I love you so very much and I miss you so dearly... My heart aches knowing I don't have your comfort anymore...
But I'll keep on doing this, I'll have faith, I know we can talk again soon.
I'll talk with you then... goodbye for now, my princess... ❤

(Edit 2/12-31-19 MDY)
Thank you all for such sweet comments.
Happy New Year and may you all have an amazing decade. ❤

(Edit 3 3/29/22 MDY)
She still hasn't returned.
I think it's time to move on, there are unfortunately some things we have to let go in order to stay positive especially in these times.
She has been such a great friend I can't thank her enough, but it's been so long, I'm hardly the same person I was before.
Change happens, we hold on to the past to comfort us when we're at our lows, however we also need to learn from our past and improve on our lives to make a better future.
I do hope she returns someday, we have a lot of catching up to do.
She'll always be my first best friend. ❤️


This song is for my 5 kids n wife n my baby boy i gave up drugs n alcohol 2yrs ago snice my baby was born i never been more happier 😁


Philippines love this song and we appreciate this song because it's a masterpiece ❤ Am I right Philippines?


When he says "if you love someone and your not afraid to lose them you probably never loved someone like I do" I feel that in the depths of my soul!


In case no one has told you today

You're a wonderful person ❤️


If you love someone...

Do whatever you can for them...

Show them you care...

Tell them everyday...

And most importantly....

Love them for who they are, and pour out your heart to them.


Who is single here? I know I'm not the only one😂


With this quarantine we’ve been having, I’ve been playing a lot of video games recently, and that’s when I ran into her. We just clicked. I slowly opened up to her, something I had difficulty doing. She became more than an online friend to play with, she became someone I could open up my problems. We talked everyday, whether it be about video games or just life in general. She made me laugh when I didn’t feel like it, she was understanding, and she believed in me when I didn’t but believe in myself, and for once, it made me care about someone in a way I can’t really describe. I then started admiring her and it made me start having feelings for her. I just fought myself telling myself it wasn’t right, that I should stop talking to her. She was 1, 000 miles away, how could it possibly work? But me being stubborn, I shot my shot. I told her that I liked her and that I was sorry that I couldn’t keep my emotions in check. I got rejected politely. She told me that she viewed me more as a brother. We’re still good friends though and I’m grateful for her not cutting me out of her life. I guess I just have to be happy for her when she finds someone who will take care of her better than I can. It’s just all my friends are slowly getting their girlfriends.... I just don’t want to be lonely anymore.... I just want someone who will take care of me as much as I will take care of them. I just hope the guy she loves won’t hurt her... Sorry for wasting your guys time reading this.... I just wanted to express my emotions.


Lukas Graham is so freaking underrated i swear


Who’s from Philippines?because its so popular here in the Philippines we all appreciate it i keep listening to this song😍


Everytime i watch youtube i can't skip this song...
From Philippines here
THUMBS up lukas graham
What a great song...


When you’re not afraid to lose the one you loved, you’ve grown true strength.
