Determination of all Solids in Wastewater/Water | TDS | TS | TFS | TSS | VSS | FSS | VDS | FDS | TSS

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Solids: Solids refer to matter suspended or dissolved in water or wastewater. Solids may affect water or effluent quality in a number of ways. Water with high dissolved solids is generally of inferior palatability and may induce unfavourable physiological response (intestinal distress) in the transient consumer (i.e tourists). Highly mineralized waters are unsuitable for many industrial applications. High suspended solids content can also be detrimental to aquatic plants and animals by limiting light and deteriorating habitat.

Definition of the possible solid fractions:

Total solids - includes all solids present in a water sample. Determined directly by evaporating a known volume of an unfiltered water sample in a 105 oC oven.
Total dissolved solids - includes all solids present in a water sample filtered through a 1.2 m m filter. Determined by evaporating a known volume of the filtrate sample in a 105 oC oven.

Total suspended solids - includes all solids present in a sample that remain on a 1.2 m m filter. Determined by filtering a known volume of sample and placing the filter and filter container in a 105 oC oven for 24 hours to evaporate the water.

Fixed solids - solids that remain after firing a sample in a 550 oC muffle furnace. Can be performed on total, dissolved, or suspended samples to determine - total fixed solids, fixed dissolved solids, or fixed suspended solids.

Volatile solids - solids that removed by firing a sample in a 550 oC muffle furnace. Can be performed on total, dissolved, or suspended samples to determine - total volatile solids, volatile dissolved solids, or volatile suspended solids.

TYPO : @ 6:19min:
Total Volatile solids = (W2 - W3)*1000/ Volume of sample taken
@ 7:41
Amount of Volatile suspended solids in the sample = (W2 - W3)*1000/ Volume of sample taken.

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I think in the video: 3:12_4:02 is determination of TSS (not TDS) cause you use the filterated suspended solid for the lab procedure. Then TDS can be determined by substracting that TSS from previous TS ( TDS =TS -TSS). I think you kind of mention TSS as TDS and it's a bit ambiguous.
But thank you very much for this video. It's super informative, especially with environmental significance parts.


6:10 There is an mistake, you mean for total volatile solids = (W2 - W3)*1000/(volume)


Clean illustrations and very thorough!!! Super helpful, Thank You!


What is the difference between the total dissolved solids and total suspended solids actually? It is actually quite clear in the total suspended solids explanation, because whats left on the filter is the suspended solids and the volume that passed through the filter is the dissolved solids.

But in the explanation for the total dissolved solids, the one that retained on the filter that had been dried to 100 degree celsius is the dissolved solids. What happen with the one that pass through the filter?


I can't believe it can be this good


Your TVS calculation is the same as your TS. Did you mean (W3 - W2) instead ? Thanks for the video btw!


How to measure 10 mL of suspended solids? I guess you should dry the filter paper and then get some dried suspended solids for the following furnace test.


Could you comment what is written in the very last part of this video? About environmental significance of VS and FS at 9:08. It is covered by a playlist video and it can't be read. Thank you in advance :)


May I know why the formula for TS and TVS are the same? AT 6:08 mins of the video. Thanks


Good day I love the explanation of this video but it confused me because there is no where where W3 for 600 degrees Celsius is used you only talk about W1 and W2


Can we make the temperature 180 for TDS ?


Ayyo gravimetric method. Atha yen boss niyabagam baduthireenga. Itha seyya evlo super aa irukkum theriuma.


6:11 is there volatile and total solid have same amount because of same formula???


When you calculating the TVS, I think there's a typo because it shud be W2-W3 imo.


Any digital recommend meter portable for TSS ? or Dissolved Organic Carbon ?


Plz what are the interrelationship of solids found in water and wastewater


Dear Sir if I want to find TS, VS, and VSS of dried fish manure the procedure will be the same. Please guide me thanks.


For TS test no need to use filter paper?
