These EV Repair costs are ASTRONOMICAL | MGUY Australia

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Now is definitely NOT the time to be buying a car. Average car cost $47K?! That's insane!
Check your ego at the door - you need a vehicle to get back and forth to work, not to impress anyone. An auto finance rate of 7%+ is an insult to anyone with excellent credit. No thanks. Those new cars can sit on the lot and rot away for all I care.


My petrol car insurance premium has almost doubled this time from £226 last year to £378 this year. I don't believe it's because of availability of parts or "the Ukraine war" but most likely to crawl back the costs of the EV insurance claims.


EV repair costs for seemingly trivial damage are out of control, especially when there is any suspicion of battery damage.


I'm an electrical engineer and I've been warning about this problem for years. Anything to do with electrical power etc. will be almost impossible to repair due to the very nature of electricity.


It's as though everything those who were critical of EVs had concerns about actually came true...


Its not just the EV owner footing this bill, its every driver. So I have not only given the 'I am concidererably richer than you' brigade a slice of my tax money in the form of subsidies, then effectively, help subsidise their free road tax (despite my car mass of 1690kg) and now I will get hammered with a higher insurance premium to account for increased costs. Thanks.To add, I pay over £500 in road tax a year because I had the nerve to buy a car that had a list price over 40k, not worth near that now, but still pay that high tax, yet my use of the car is actually low. UK sucks if you are a member of the hive.


In AUS most ICE cars are thrown away when the value is ~$3k and they have a major fault that exceeds that value (like a bad transmission). In comparison EV's will drop from $20k-$40k value to zero once they need a new battery.


My mechanic has been repairing evs. They have all the mechanical parts of every car except the engine and transmission which are very reliable in any case. He said the suspension parts break regularly because of the added weight. Tires which are more expensive than most are also routinely changed. His opinion: EV's are more costly to maintain right from initial purchase.


Placing the battery in the very bottom of the vehicle makes sense from a suspension, handling and interior design perspective, but it leaves the vehicle chronically vulnerable to any under vehicle impact. Many vehicles I have owned have had underbody dents from simply being jacked incorrectly when changing a tyre. I wonder if we are going to see EVs written off because of poor use of car jacks. They are so heavy that any poor selection of the jack point will put tremendous force on that point. Probably not covered by warranty...


I used to race electric RC cars and batteries were the most expensive part of the hobby. That was 30 years ago and nothing has changed.


So basically the "complexity" of the internal combustion engine is why it's cheaper to fix. Just replace the small part that fails and keep the rest. Cheap and good for the environment. With an electric car, you often have to replace the entire motor or battery pack, which is expensive and not so good for the environment.


I hit a deer. I went on facebook and got a hood, bumper cover, radiator support and fender for $400. Headlight on ebay was about $50. Obviously, I swapped the parts in my garage easily.
A fender bender totals a brand new 60k pollution machine, I mean EV.


And on top of that, the guy in the first example can be held liable in case his car explodes in a fireball causing collateral damage/injuries, IF he doesn't get the battery replaced. It's really a NO-win situation.


The more electronic modules you have in a car the more it requires expensive specialist knowledge
to repair.
ICE cars are bad enough, but EV's in this respect are far more complex hence many are written off after
what appears to be minor damage.
The biggest expense is the battery pack which insurers are adding to the repair costs as they can't be certain
of their safety after a collision.
It baffles me why the industry didn't see this coming, only Toyota's ex chief had the courage to speak up,
now other major brands can't sell EV's.


Q- What does an EV owner and a person with diarrhea have in common ?
A- They both hope they'll make it home before it runs out.


I bought a mid 90s Mitsubishi 4x4, unfortunately it was a total Lemmon, the previous owners had really abused it and eventually I found out the engine block needed replacing. It cost me about $1300 in the end. Still, it was a lot cheaper than fixing a 1 year old EV! 😅


It wasn't too long ago I was reading articles warning me of the hundreds of pounds it would cost to replace a catalytic converter or a master brake cylinder. But these EV battery costs are on a different level; actually two orders of magnitude higher.


What has also became apparent to me from that Hyundai case, is that Anyone going out to buy a new EV needs to ask for it to be put on a ramp to check the underside before buying it, as essentially you could be buying a new vehicle that may have been scraped getting it off the ship or to the dealer and would already have a void warranty.
I don't know anyone who would normally inspect the underside of a vehicle when buying new.


The 2nd guy with the hybrid model was offered the replacement battery at half the initial cost AFTER he’d gone to the media! What’s that tell you?…


Hello, I’m from Alberta and I love your channel. I would never own an EV in this part of the world. This EV business is thoroughly madness and can’t believe how some people are falling for it. Thanks for your information.
