How to ACE Your A-Levels

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Inspired by student success stories. We tell you what your teachers don't...

How to ACE your A-Levels teaches you how to ACE your exams. No matter how smart or behind you may think you are this book will teach you how to revise... properly!

This is my story. I was an average student in a typical state school. I was by no means a 'geek' or conversely, a 'bad-boy'. I was just a normal guy. I went to all my lessons and did my homework. I did everything my teachers told me to. BUT, I failed my AS levels.

I was shocked, how did I fail when school had given me all the information I needed to pass the exams? I knew it was something to do with the way I worked and the solution would be to rectify my revision technique. I formulated a handful of simple strategies tailored to the specific type of learning in each of my subjects. I created detailed plans on how to absorb the information to perform and achieve my target of at least 3 A's out of 4 subjects.

One year later, I finished college with straight A grades. At university, I used the same principles and techniques to motivate myself, and it worked. Since my AS levels, I have never failed an exam, and I have full faith that I never will. I left UCL (University College London) with a first class honours degree. My results were in the top 5 percent of the year and I was awarded with a commendation of excellence by the Dean of Students.

Over time, with the help of the co-author of this book, I gathered all these techniques and produced a 3 step plan for students. In the first step, method, we tell you what top students do to secure top marks in exams. Here we cover repetition theory, the most effective memorisation techniques and discuss how to tailor your learning technique to the subjects you are taking.

Step 2 is the 'Study Cycle'. For years I've heard the term 'work hard' thrown around with no explanation. I believe 'working hard' is a skill in itself which must be understood and practiced as much as any A level subject. Here we provide case studies and examples of other students and their day to day habits during the academic year to help you gauge how much is enough.

Step 3 is 'Motivation'. This section provides the fuel for the 'Study Cycle'. We show you how to increase your attention span through simple and effective tricks. Furthermore, we discuss the damaging insecurities that hold you back from reaching your maximum potential and help you tackle them head on.

Read this book and you will be armed with techniques that will help you ACE your A-levels and equip you for any other exams during the rest of your life.
Рекомендации по теме

the moment when you think when are the techniques going to show


It's funny because I got DDDU yesterday


Heres how to ace your A-levels: work hard


watching this while being in a void attempting to do my A-level English language homework and then procrastinating


Mr. Raja, your book saved my life. I can't thank you enough. You're a fucking great human being, sir.


For people who are saying this book is another scam or something its a cheap price and there is no harm in trying it out? You guys acting like he is charging u £100 for the book or something. If his book could get me grades like that i'd pay £30 straight money aint an issue.


i think its kinda bad that your charging people for trying to better their education and it seems its not enough to just work hard but now we have to pay more in the hope we further our knowledge?i think most people have paid enough in school fee's.


I always thought having high qualifications means having a stable job with high salary. When I grew up, I found out most of them are not being truthful.


thats one hell of a turn around well done!


I don’t like how this book doesn’t talk about looking after yourself and not burning yourself out. It says that not working late or not working on a Friday because you’re too tired are excuses to not work which is not true, because if you’re tired your work won’t be effective anyway. This is very likely to damage people’s mental health. Also, if A Levels were as easy as just memorising the textbook and doing papers then everyone would get As. The fact that it says you can revise for a subject in 10 days at first is total nonsense. A Levels have changed A LOT since this book was written. Nowadays, if you get 3Bs you should be immensely proud of yourself because they are so hard! To anyone starting A Levels: only do 3 from the very start, and please look after yourself! If you’re having to work ridiculously hard to get 3As, then DON’T aim for 3As! It’s much more important that you enjoy your Sixth Form life and work steadily, as you will be healthy and happy rather than burnt out and miserable like I was 😔


Well done, that must have taken a lot of courage. Proud of you stranger.


Hi Lady2Luv,

Thank you for reading our book and getting in touch. I still think it’s important to learn your A2s first because it’s so easy to neglect them when you’re doing a lot of retakes. I did the same thing during my 2nd year for 3 sciences and maths. I never really had to go back to my AS modules when learning the A2 – if I did it would only be a quick brush up on a topic. However, if your A2 modules rely heavily on the AS ones, by all means revise them first as this would be more efficient.




I was in the exact same position as you. All the steps you see in the book are the ones I took to turn my D's into A's. My advice is take a break from all your hard work over the exam period. If you don't get the grades you want in August then start your revision for January exams immediately and follow the guidance in How to ACE Your A-Levels. 

p.s. Pay particular attention to the scribble technique. I attribute much of my improvement to this learning technique as it help me absorb and retain information in the most efficient way.

Well done for getting through your exams and try not to worry about your results!



Hi raja, please answer this question:

Are you gradeAunderA?


That ironic moment when intelligence is spelt wrong on the video.


Haha, I got 3 D's and a U as well. Hopefully I'll do better at A2


Is this book suitable to all subjects at A level  including English literature, am just wondering because most of the reviews of students who have purchased this book have A level's such as biology, maths ect.?


Hei guys i kno you are here just because you are stressed out and you wanna kno the secret? There's no secret you just have to work hard if you wanna become a doctor or something like that or if you wanna be all alone and start a job all by yourself you have to drop out collage and start thincking at what you ate god at i kno it sounds crazy but you have to do it even if it sounds stupid or mad


If i don't get an A or above in tomorrows paper I'm drinking bleach.


I don't know what kind of trains you use, but a train ticket for me costs 1.20€ this is 10Pounds(for kindle) 
