Silicon Valley Bank: what really went wrong?

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Since the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, American regulators have pulled out all the stops to protect depositors. But the scramble to ensure stability has exposed serious flaws in America’s banking architecture. What comes next?

00:00 - Silicon Valley Bank has collapsed
00:38 - What has happened?
02:07 - How have regulators reacted?
03:12 - What does this mean for banking?

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As a former banker, I find it really odd that these bankers were ignoring the interest rates, ignoring the markets, etc. Usually when a bank screws up this badly, it's because the management did something risky in order to make tons of cash for themselves. But in this case, management was making investments that didn't even keep up with normal inflation. It's almost like they wanted the bank to fail and use it as a tax write off. What they did wasn't risky. It was just plain lazy.


I've <been saying this for a long time we should stop worrying about what is coming instead prepare for when it comes .The market always recovers, take for example the 08 crash the market still bounced back, it might take long but it will definitely.


The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far, ” It’s precisely at times like these that investors need to be on guard against the next certainty.


About the current bank situation, I'm really concerned. I am worried about a lot more if a bank the size of SVB may fail. I have a friend who manages a fast-growing startup and was severely impacted by the bank run. I have taken more than $840k out of my bank. Since the FDIC only provides coverage up to $250K, an implosion could have negative consequences. presently want to invest in the stock market. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might proceed?


The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stock portfoIio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?


Protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over.


A powerful coincidence is preparing in the US. Expansion, bank breakdown, serious dry season in the horticultural belt, downturn, real estate market decline, bank emergency, food deficiencies, diesel fuel and warming oil deficiencies, child recipe deficiencies, accessible car deficiencies and costs, the cost of residing place. It's all approaching together and it could prompt a genuine calamity towards the finish of this current year (or sooner). With expansion at present at around 6%, my essential concern is the way to expand my reserve funds/retirement asset of about $300k which has been exposed target since perpetually with zero to no increases.


After the 2008 financial crisis, all the major western democracies have implemented the recommendation of the Basel Framework for Banks, with the notable exception of the United States. The Basel Framework for Banks was implemented only for the major American banks.
The smaller banks and regional banks were exempted (including SVB) because they lobbied hard and Congress bowed, they were excluded from the Basel Framework. One of the purposes of the Basel Framework is to improve the risk management.


Following your channel from the last two years, interesting and informative content. And more informative than mainstream news.


I see the rising interest rate as a very big problem, as more investors will definitely pull out more money from the Stock market. This might have worked when I was still invest-ing with a couple thousand dollars, but it is more difficult now to decide whether to pull out more than $365k from my port-folio. I know some inves-tors still make that despite the strong bear market. In wish I could pull that feat


Just like the economist magazine, this video was perhaps the most concise and informative explanation of the Silicon Valley Bank bankruptcy that I have ever seen. I would probably need to consume 20 minutes of video footage from any other source in order to get even close to what I got from this four minute video by the economist. Well done!


Most informative channel I came across. I love watching your videos


Great video, I really enjoyed watching it and learned a lot from your insights


Love the info that was provided and was super easy to understand


This is amazing video that I’ve watched it. I like the way they present the information so detail


Information the key to knowledge and is shared beautifully in a short manner, interesting. 🤘🏻


The video was very informative and entertaining at the same time. I learned many things.


It is interesting to watch from the sidelines and see how broader the impact will be from this, not just within the USA but globally.


The content of this video is very informative,
Waiting for more explanatory videos


Very powerful and insightful. Thanks for sharing this video. Cheers
