7 ways to save 1000 dollars fast | Paycheck to Paycheck

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What are 7 different ways to save 1000 dollars and yes your math is correct if you do all 7 then you could save an extra 7k. I'm going to break down very simple ways that you can save 1000 dollars.

7 ways to save 1000 dollars fast

Usually: Im not going to complicate this to make me look smarter than I am, simple solution work better than complicated ones.

1. Lower expenses
Why: IF you feel like whenever you get paid, you don’t know where your money went then this is why
- Write down all your expenses and your income
- Give your money job to do ( I use a budget with 6 envelopes to give each dollar a job from Emergencies, Investments, Debt repayments, expenses and fun and even charity)
- Repeat it, every time you get paid ( do not complicate it)

2. Pay yourself first
Why: Everyone takes a piece fo your money before you do, Uncle Sam, your landlord, and all the other bills you pay for
How: You have to take 10% before you get paid no less, I currently take around 45%, but that’s a little crazy.
Steps: ( if you can't afford 10% go back to step one and figure out what expenses you need to cut or reduce.)
- IF you get paid to take 10% and put aside in high yield savings account
- Repeat, and don’t spend the money until you hear the third way.

3. Make your Money Multiply ( where does this money come to multiply, well from the 10% you’ve been yourself)
Why: you want to create some income for yourself, and the more money you have, and if you're maintaining your expenses, then the more money you can save
Dead Money: Keep it in a savings and earned .15%-2% ( lower now since the fed rates were cut)
Safe Money: Etf’s are great they keep your money safe and earn an average of 7% ( sometimes 12 but that’s very odd)
Healthy money: 7-12 %: That might mean investing in a business, or lending some money
Wealthy money: 12% and up Well you could negotiate a real estate where the rent gives you an annual return of 12-20% depending on your down payments.
- Grab that 10% and put it to work, and experiment.
- One Rule: Either invest from a place of knowledge liker reading books or taking courses or invest from the advice of wealthy people. ( im talking real wealthy not like these day traders that lose 80% of the time and say they are winning)

4. Increase your ability to earn: getting a college degree or certificate
Why: You do this to increase your earning potential, and I know the debt is extremely important.
Chipotle, Starbucks and a lot of companies have programs to pay for your college, ask your job about it.
Payout of pocket for a degree or certificate you like that’s “profitable.”
Or Get a loan, the return on investment is much higher, so it'll be worth it.
- Decide what you want to get certified in
- Do it and don’t overthink it
- Forget the time it'll take and the money ( its an investment )

5. Secured retirement income
Why: I know you might be young or older, it doesn’t matter. The problem is that one day you won't be able to work as hard for that money. So you want to be safe.
- Talk to your employer and ask them about the options they provide
- Decide if you want to create your own base for retirement or automate it with retirement funds.
- Stick to it.

6. Own your own home
Why: why would I buy a home when I could just rent and save money, well short term you will but not in the long run.
How to Fix:
- If you are currently renting which we are, decide if you want to do that forever or if you want to own your own home eventually.
- Talk to Bank and get prequalified
- Save for a down payment
- Take real estate course to decide what type of home you should buy
Goal: By the time I turn 23 or 24, I should have my first investment property.

7. Don’t get scammed: Don’t believe the get rich quick schemes





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How much do you want to have Saved up by the end of the Year, only 62 Days left!!
***LInk to Budget***


6k In saving in two months. You’ve motivated me to really get focused. Plus the pandemic too. I appreciate you I want to get 10k by the end of December


I’m 19 and have about 5k saved up and want about 25-30k by 21


That $15 an hour example was unrealistic Tommy. You're never gonna see that 2, 440 a month with Uncle Sam getting his off top


Every pay check I put 25 aside ( paid weekly ) and from my checking to my saving I put a daily transfer of 2 dollars a day. Going to try to do this for a yr. I may add more to take from 25 weekly


Hey Tommy, great video. I'm going to start with number one and keep my expenses low. Right now I'm unemployed, trying to do gigs that pay quickly and by check not PayPal Then I will pay myself first never knew how to do that. Thanks dude.


Love this video thanks for always making great videos 🙏


1. Keep expenses low. Write out expenses and income.
2. Create a budget. Emergency, expenses, debt, charity, investment, fun. Rinse & repeat. Link below
3. Pay yourself first. 10% or more
4. Make your money multiply. Invest (i.e Acorns ETF).
5. Increase earning potential (degree, certifications, invest, change career, buy asset, etc.)
6. Prepare for retirement. Meet with CPA to plan.
7. Own your home
8. Don't get scammed. Safe money is better than money lost.


Hi Tommy, catching up on all your video's, loving them!1


TommyBryson, wow!!! You Rock! When do you sleep. You inspire us all. Keep the great content coming!


Hey Tommy, thanks for the videos you're putting up. Even if I don't follow all of them step by step, they're still a good source for inspiration... for example:
Yesterday I was thinking that we have certain services that we pay for, and the range of cost is all across the spectrum, and this is what I did, simple enough. I use Frontier fiber optic for connecting to the internet. It's great, super fast and pretty much dedicated to one person... it isn't shared so much. I checked with their competitor and got a price from the website. It was ~$75 for an unlimited raw connection to the internet... perfect for me. I didn't like the fact that the connection was shared, but kept that to myself. I called Frontier and found that I was paying ~$115 for 300/300. Ouch. So I told them about the other quote that I got. Anyway, after talking to a couple of people at Frontier... playing ignorant (Don't give up your advantages) ... and threatening to go to their competitor, I got exactly what I wanted.... unlimited Gigabit internet for $49 a month on a Fiber optic line... so yeah... um, sweet. Do you think you could do a video on other examples of this type, and where we could apply them Tommy?


I'm 19 as I'm writing this right now and I have a job where I get paid every 2 weeks just trying to figure out how to save money while I'm young thank you for the information❗❗


I saved around $700 in 3 months
After I open saving account that I can’t take it unless 3 to 5 days Business
That help me to save
by watching your video I started managing my money step by step


$61😒! I want to save $5000-$10000 by the end of the year! I need a really good side hustle 😂!


Damm I been doing it wrong since 21 most I had was 15bands I’m 26 so know I’m going do this method for rest my life 35yrs want 40-60k saved my goal as of today great information thank you 💯 I have parents that was taught finical literature so I had learn myself from others giving me game or my mentor this going change my money for good help me start my clothing line


I had about 400 in my savings went to 0 now I'm at 213 and rising with you as my accountant


I only have 1000$ saved. Just paid off my credit card. I want at least 5k by January


I don’t have any saved up, child support gets it all 😢


19 with 5k saved up and hoping to get 25-30k by 21


is robinhood a good app to use to invest
