Insta360 Ace Pro vs DJI Action 4 - The Elephant in the room.

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NOT SPONSORED. I bought the Insta360 Ace Pro just to see how it REALLY stacks up against other action cameras. Today I'm seeing how it does vs the DJI Action 4. Soon I'll do a low-light test and vs the GoPro Hero 12.

So far I'm disappointed in quite a few things. Over-sharpening, colours, AWB, non-removable lens, bad quality screen. I'm sure there will be more to come.




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I don't know about the rest of y'all but this is giving me a smear campaign type vibes. it's okay if you don't like the 360 Ace pro for its "cons" but when you say that it has worse lag than the action four and in both video previews it shows the opposite that's kind of weird. then when people in the comment section tells you that the ace pro looks better than the DJI 4 I see you combatting against them in the comment section instead of just trying to learn and understand what they see during your reviews. I just think that's wild but I really do appreciate you for taking your time to buy it and giving us some footage so other people could compare which cameras should they buy. if they buy the 360 then they have you to thank and if they buy the action four then they have you to thank again. Life is too short to be forcing people see your opinions as facts just give your honest reviews and keep it moving that way people could trust your opinion and that's how your audience will grow for your channels algorithm and plus life will just be more simpler that way as well. 🤷🏻🤘🙏🏼😋


Im all for an honest review but this review clearly had a bias b4 the review even started. Almost every bit of video you say the action looks better, im over here watching the video like uhm... no the ace clearly looks better including on the lowlight test lol. I get it the screen aint for you and agree a replaceable lens would be better, but i also find dam near everyone you ask whos gotta die on that hill how many times they have had to replace there lenses in the past, 9/10 the answer is never. There are a ton of game changing features you neglected to even mention and i disagree its not an action cam. May not be the best for extremes like mt biking or skateboarding but it absolutely fills a good nich in the market and solves just about every issue ive had with gopro style cameras action cams. Low light filming is huge for me, using it for fishing most my best video isnt useable from mornings and evenings. Its still an action cam cuz itll be out in all conditions, pooring rain, cold, extreme heat etc... where i would never have a non action camera. As far as the lens they do offer 1 year no Q?s asked free just pay shipping. 38$ gets you full protection and covers shipping so there is at least some form assurance there. The 8k isnt so much for filming as its more to make the cam able to 2x zoom in at 4k without losing resolution. Thats another huge plus for me and only makes it even more versatile for action cam stuff where one typically would not be feasible. Both are great camera and would absolutely take both over gopro for many reasons, but my next primary cam will be the ace pro, secondary cam im torn between the action4 and the x3.


It’s interesting how different a review is when the person doesn’t get the camera for free. Earned my respect and sub.


You legend! This is what I was waiting for... held off buying over Black Friday and being hooked by the hype around the InstaAP. Seems like every video review made was as though they were being held at gunpoint to say loads of positive things about it. You've definitely put my mind at ease, and my first action cam will be the Osmo Action 4. Kudos, subscribed :D


Now I can watch your video in full HD, I have ordered this camera and can't wait to test it. But I start to doubt a little when I see your video. I have the Dji Action 4 and it's amazing. Really hope Insta360 comes with some updates and makes it better. I know I get a little annoyed with those who got to test this camera before it was launched, they braged so much about this camera. New gopro killer, blah, blah. At least you are honest


EXCELLENT comparison! Well done, sir! I had just bought the Action 4 (with the extra batteries, selfie stick, etc package) about a month ago. Watched a few videos, and was nearly convinced I needed to sell the Action 4 and get the new Ace Pro, particularly for the "better" low light. I smelled a tad hint of BS, and you've done a fantastic job of proving my suspicions. But the main deal breaker was the non-removable lens cover. WTF! Just wow. Dig your channel, keep killing it!


A great honest review. Thanks for taking the time to make it. And a BIG thumbs 👍 up as always.


Thank you for making this, I was struggling to choose between these 2 but ultimately went for the Action 4 for it's smaller size, better durability, replaceable lens protector and much lower price.


insta360 is not used to providing replaceable lens although people have requested for years on their 360 cameras which are fragile. its good you brought it up and kept highlighting it as many of the sponsored reviewers dont speak much about it or brush it away


Amazing and honest review! I was toying with the idea of the Ace Pro against the Action 4, so many hyped and ‘amazing’ graded reviews, therefore I was hesitant. Your video helped me avoid a potential mistake. Thank you.


I am going to have to disagree with your assessments here except the removable lens issue. The ace def looks much better. Overall nice video…


It's refreshing to see an actual HONEST comparison. I was having buyer's remorse after picking up the Action 4 just before the Ace Pro Launch, esp after the sponsored folks told me the Ace Pro is king. You've made it clear that the Action 4 has better/more natural AWB, pure (unsharpened) video quality, removable lens cover, no flippy screen to break, also smaller/lighter size makes the Action 4 a keeper. Thanks!


Not sure what you were trying to prove with the lag BUT the Action 4 was the one lagging. Granted, the lense removal issue is not cool BUT just get the screen protector. The pause, pick up recording where you left off and so much more makes the choice obvious. Also, the picture overall, is superior.


The image quality of the Ace pro is obviously much better, regarding the screen and the lens guard, it wont confuse me much cuz i dont really do sports


Phillip, i like your channel so much. Your reviews are honest and true. I stick to my 2 months old Action 4 :) you have a new subscriber :) dont stop the good work :)


im confused. you say the 8k was lagging on the ace pro but in your video the dji was lagging? did you labeled it wrong?


Yeah, I have the gopro 12 and the only problem is when I ride in the shade the stabilisation is goes madly so I will get the DJI Action 4 as it is as robust as the gopro but it does the lower light part. So cheers mate. Top video as usual . Dziekuje.


Thanks for some healthy skepticism toward the new camera! I've seen about 15 different but exactly same comparisons / reviews only focused on the strong points of the ace pro. I'm interested in actual unprocessed ACTION videos. I'm getting the distinct feeling that the ace pro image qualify will not be so favorable when the FPS goes beyond the HDR modes (30+) and that the FOV is smaller then the others... But no-one's actually showing action shots from motorcycles / mountainbikes (yet).


Getting my ace pro today 👌. Their stabilization is the best for hyperlapse 🤔🙌.


You make some good points Philip but how many of us have ever broken a laptop by opening and closing it so tbh the point you make is hardly a serious one but the pixelation on the flip screen is a really good point
