A Regional Breakdown of the United States - Part One

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Make sure to watch Part Two, which will be up soon! If you want me to make Regional Breakdowns on other states and countries, leave a comment and let me know which ones you'd like to see!

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Respect to anyone who accurately positions Maryland as Mid Atlantic and not Southern. Props for getting that one right haha!


As a geography student and an American, this series is the most accurate and well presented content on American regions. Nothing left out and not a word out of place.


The USA has the best geography, hands down.
As a whole, not too wet, not too dry, not too far north not too far south, a fantastic inland navigable seas& river system. Excellent ice-free harbors & ports. Friendly neighbors north & south. Best farmland in the world, two oceans on either side to protect us from old world problems(historically, most of the time). We had easy access to oil when it was needed most to fight the Nazis during the Second World War.
Edit: one more thing: the USA has not too many people, and not too few. And the demographics are pretty good, which is to say the population is neither too old nor too young.


From the moment I heard that you separated Fairfield County from the rest of Connecticut, I knew you were thorough in your research. As a Hartford area resident that commutes to Fairfield County, I can tell you that they really do feel like different subsets of the country.


Western New York, and especially Buffalo, have more in common with other Great Lakes cities like Cleveland and Chicago, than they do with the eastern part of the state... Buffalo belongs to the 'railroad/rust belt'. Even the accents are similar. People from Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, and Milwaukee often have similar accents.


Speechless👏I’m from Egypt and I was so curious about the USA and have a clear view of such the multi diverse America. You provided this in a very methodical and excellent manner. I salute you.


I appreciate the Appalachian portion of this video. These regional breakdowns tend to just make the usual claims of "poverty stricken, lack of hard workers, technologically inferior, and opioid abuse" before wrapping up on us. I know you said you're from Appalachia but its still good to see that it wasn't all about the negative stigma this time around.


4:27 New England

9:36 Mid-Atlantic

17:16 Appalachia

22:16 The Midwest

28:24 The South


I really love how geography forms our culture. I love that you did this as a reference when you cover the rest of the states. Greetings from Puerto Rico.


From the Driftless in Iowa and glad we were mentioned! Area was heavily settled by Norwegians, Germans, and a few Irish. So much so that it has the nickname 'Little Switzerland' with the steep river valleys. Guttenberg, a small Mississippi river town was previously named Prairie du Port by the French who initially settled the area


Bro, I’ve really come to appreciate your content. It’s intellectual, yet accessible. You speak to the story of the places you cover, and speak of them as the precious places they are. Always look forward to your videos man.

Keep the great content coming dude!!


Lifelong Missouri resident. Thank you for the Ozarks region call-out and showing how the state is not cleanly either Midwest or Southern. It is truly WILD out here sometimes and always a tossup which you'll get in any daily interaction, even in St Louis or Kansas City.


Lifelong Midwestern here. Born in Minnesota, and moved to Iowa when I was about 6 months old. I just turned 21 and don't ever plan on leaving. Life is great here. It's simple, slow paced, the people are friendly, and things are affordable. The Midwest is home, and I'm glad you now call it home Carter.


I’m from Kentucky & would say the map here is spot on. Western KY is the South, eastern is Appalachia & northern is your Midwest vibe.


I'm from California and will always be an Angelino at heart, but my wife is from the Midwest with family from the Chicago area, and she also has family in the Milwaukee area. We met in the Army and have always discussed where we'll settle down once I'm discharged. Although I'd never want to leave California, it's honestly so expensive that I don't know if we'd be able to afford it. My wife has always hinted towards the Midwest, in particular the outer Chicago region. I'm a city slicker, so if I ever leave LA, I think I'd go to Chicago, but maybe any Midwest city will do. I feel the Midwest region is the only other place I'd really consider settling down. Midwest is home to 3 things I love, which are the skyscraper, muscle cars, and punk rock. So I guess Detroit, or Chicago, maybe Cleveland and Indianapolis, as well? I don't know, but the region definitely seems underrated


I aporeciate you breaking down Missouri between South and North. Its nice that someone took the time to understand the cultural, historical and political differences between different groups of people.


As a fellow Appalachian transplant in the Midwest, I loved your breakdown of both regions. They're a lot less flashy than the coasts but defined by tight knit communities and a strong work ethic.


This channel has some of the highest quality videos I've ever seen anywhere on YouTube, absolutely love it


For its size Maryland is geographically diverse with the Chesapeake Bay right in the middle, ocean on the east, historic important cities in the center, and mountains in the west.


I liked that you mentioned the affluence of the suburbs around Minneapolis. They’re among the wealthiest areas of the entire country and not many people think of the Twin Cities as the economic powerhouse that it truly is. The region has the same amount of Fortune 500 companies as Houston, despite having 4 million vs 7 million people.
