The New DBZ Kakarot DLC is Amazing! (Review)

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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot 23rd World Tournament DLC Gameplay.
Going through the 23rd World Tournament DLC, checking out all the content and giving you a review.
DBZ: Kakarot is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC, and compatible with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.


0:00 Intro
0:26 New Type of Combat
3:29 Story and Delivery
6:06 Extra Content
8:41 Some Problems
10:30 Final Words

#Globku #AnimeGames #DragonBall
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So Tien from the DLC is basically like Future Gohan. They made a completely new character that you cant play with outside of a story mode mission


With how unique the fights are getting, they really need to create a game mode, as a final update, where you can play as everyone since they are built on a similar base to the playable characters. (Maybe for the Tournament of Power dlc's post game content.)


Considering there are leaks of a 3rd season pass with Super Content, and the Tournament of Power prohibited flying, I'm betting this and the leaked 3rd episode of this pass (Being end of Z with uub) are test runs for Ground battles in the Tournament of Power.


love the DLC, but I do agree about Nimbus in the main game, Tenshinhan should've been playable post game, Goku's moves should've carried over. Also it's kinda of a shame that we didn't get to play as Ma-Junior Piccolo, I love his early design, wish he got a post game story to see what he was up to after the fight or something.

Overall still liked the DLC a lot.


Tien deserves more love. Dude is one of the OG's. And held imperfect Cell back! as just a human!


I’ve been waiting for them to drop the price on the Season Pass 2. It’s too much at $40.


I love this dlc the new combat it’s great but if only, if only they added 2 players local mode this is the one dlc that would fit the best. One can dream


They need to combine the horde mode and ground combat aspects and make the tournament of power!


We need a dragon ball game that tells THE WHOLE STORY I've been waiting for that for years but every game we get it starts at the beginning of z I understand that's what we got here I would like a game where you start as Goku from the beginning and you're able to participate in all of his fights from OG 2 super


I got all the way to level 146 in this dlc before finding out there’s a jump button mad I feel stupid


Don’t have a clue if it’s included in the dlc but they def should’ve added the training at kami‘s place w popo in there.


Goku: "I don't know about this newlywed business, what are we supposed TO DO?"
Chichi: *Winks* ... "Let me show you".

Hoo boy, I'd pay for a "DBZ Kakarot : Newlywed" DLC.


Somehow I played this entire dlc without knowing you could jump with R2


This is probably the ground work to see if they can do the Universal Tournament arc DLC


I'm just psyched to play one of my favourite arcs of all time, the change in combat is just a bonus for me


I love that you care about not spoiling so much. Great video Globku!


Here's my thoughts on the DLC

Honestly it's probably the best Kakarot has played in my opinion, i didn't have anything wrong with the aerial combat but after this I really want more of the grounded stuff. Something i felt wasn't mentioned that i thought was kinda an issue was how overpowered surging mode felt, i suppose they were compensating for no new forms by making his base strings have a dynamic finisher, but honestly it felt a bit overturned to me. Another thing was how powerful giant piccolo felt, which i guess is a good thing that helps to show how powerful he really was at the time, but honestly it just felt kind of annoying due to how he couldn't be staggered and would just brush off your combos and hit you anyway, like attacking a boss with infinite surge. Also I'm not the biggest fan of how over reliant the post game is on hoarde battles, and as you said they're quite difficult, even if you're at the recommended level.

All that said though i don't hate this DLC at all, i love it and think it's arguably the best DLC yet, at least from a gameplay perspective.


i really really love it when content creators don't spoil much of the experience
thanks for that man


The first boss fight was enough to make this my favourite dlc
