The oceans are warming even faster than experts predicted, a change that’s 'truly extraordinary'

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In Maine, one expert says, "we’re going to live on a coastline that’s going to be vastly different than the one we had before."
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No one cares until it's too late.


Even though disasters are inevitable the fossil fuel industry continues to have a stranglehold on our politicians. Instead of trying to help speed up the transition to renewable clean energy the fossil fuel industry is doing everything it can to slow down the transition even though they have been aware of the consequences for decades. If this is not criminal activity what is.


We are going to deal with it by starving to death.


Americans are about 4% of the global population, yet have contributed over 50% of the Greenhouse Gases that are causing the warming, while one political party stopped any Climate legislation for 40 years, and pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accord to reduce emissions, which some other countries followed after.


It's not just humans that will lose, it's the whole planet, and that is just sad.


Thank you Elders! We shall build a monument on your honor, and call it “The Great Garbage Patch”


And of course the US pushes for more and more war...MIC is evil.


Adaptable... Total BS.

We have had 10 000 years of stable climate that made farming possible. Now we are driving climate way out of this predictable zone. We can see droughts, wildfires, floods, heavy rain and so on. This makes the foodweb that supports everyone unreliable.

Check some limits of growth studies...

And at the same time we are losig coral reefs that supports around 25% of all marine species. While our fisheries are changing, over fished, dying, making death zones due to polluted/manuered rivers and so on. Our marine ecosystems are under huge pressure because of human race. This mean many species are just diminishing and pushed toward extinction.

And in the same time we are running out of fresh water. Aqvifers have been overused almost everywhere. Our rivers are polluted (ie. UK has found almost none nonpolluted rivers). Our mountain glaciers that provides melt waters during summer are vanishing rapidly (ie. Alpine glaciers by 2050-2070 causing 40% of Europe to lose their fresh water source). Similar thing has been going on in Colorado river basin. And those are just few examples, there are plenty from Andies, Himalayas, Kilimanjaro and so on. Humidity is drawn from soils at rate of 7% per 1C temperature rise.

Our forest are drying too and trees are dying because of it. (ie. Finnish study, Bogota in Amazon rainforest is in drought, huge wildfires everywhere, ..)

We have lost around 50% of the insect biomass. Mammals have turned from 99, 9% wildlife to 3%, just because humans and their domesticated animals and pets takes 97% of total biomass.

We are affecting every single corner of this planet with our emissions and pollution (ie. microplastics are everywhere). We are raping last untouched areas as we speak. We have to stop our devastation and leave 30% of this planet totally out from human touch. And make 20% more as sanctuaries where we can see the nature.

Permafrost rapidly warming and it is generating more and more ghg's every year. 100-1000Gt of CO2e by 2100 is range of these estimates. That means few decades worth of current human emissions making even 2C targets impossible.

Sea level rise is predicted to be 12-20 meters by 2300 with only 2C warming (State of cryosphere 2023). 10-20 meters with current ghg emissions (IPCC).

We have to stop burning any fossil fuels as fast as we can. That will avoid most future warming. (Yet still SO2 aerosol dimming effects will rise temperatures at that point with 0, 6-1, 3C [IPCC, Hansen]. But if we keep burning fossil fuels, the gap rises even higher.)

We have almost no way to avoid 2C warming. Our current trend is toward 3-5C warming, but even that means we have to act NOW.



Yeah, this is going to excelerate. Greenland and all of the Glaciers are melting, then you got the Permafrost thawing. God I hope I age out before it spirals out.


I am diving on the Mesoamerican reef right now, and the temperature at 60 feet has dropped almost a degrees since last year! That is almost 6 degrees in the last 10 years !


Scary. And NASA wants to go "to the moon, mars, and beyond". Maybe that cash could be better spent...


It’s the beginning of runaway everything, linear projections are actually exponential and more and more folks are having a tougher time explaining it.


We haven't even begun to see the trophic cascades that will be caused, leading to mass extinction. And top predators always go first.


now, imagine entities like google, apple, amazon, putting their data centers in deep, cold water because: free cooling.


I blame all of us, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the final years that the ocean is able to support life. I don't understand why the commentators are not more distraught!


Just wait until 2025 and 2026 roll in. Enjoy.


The warmer the planet gets, the faster it gets warmer. I don't understand why something that should be self-evident hasn't been factored into the predictions.


The experts can't know what they don't know. It hasn't happened in our age. One tipping point passing act as multipliers on the balance.


The important thing is that people change their behaviour. We as individuals are responsible for our emissions and level of consumption of greenhouse gas emitting products. Dietary change (not eating meat) for example can involve the decision of a moment. We choose what we buy and how we heat our homes, what car etc we use and how we travel and how much we fly. Too often the blame is diverted to those we can’t control so easily and to excuse individual inaction. We need political change clearly but we can all contribute as consumers


Ocean acidification made ocean warming less than expected for a couple of decades but that chemical reaction can only be pushed so far. The models were adjusted for less warming and are now off the other way. We are headed for more ocean induced storms, ice melt and effects on agriculture and life forms. Nobody will be unaffected.
