7 Scariest Things In World of Warcraft

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There are many things in WoW from Classic to the most recent expansion that are quite creepy. In this video I go over 7 scary things found in the game!

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I loved vashjir, the underwater feel, everything about it
Those moments when you look down and see nothing but water
Great, horrifying times


Leveling in Hellfire and hearing the war cry of the Fel Reaver: Ohhh


Reaching Duskwood first time leveling in vanilla is the most memorable moment of when meeting Stitches, having no idea where he came from or what he is. The scariest part is just seeing that hulking abomination slowly walk up the path from the fog in the distance before seeing the nameplate, and it's easy to stop and get creeped out at that point since you got no mount.

It was scary seeing him face against the NPCs supposed to protect the road and them being no match to him. I remember trying to go to the side of the road, against the trees and bushes, hiding from him. I had no idea about his massive aggro range so when I did that and tried to get closer for screenshots, he spooked me by abruptly turning and sprinting towards me, killing me in a few hits.

It was in that zone I really felt like I was in an MMO and a fantasy world way bigger than my character at the moment. It turned from scary to awesome when he reached Darkshore and several players as well as NPCs needs to fight him to take him down, giving you this very first feeling of fighting a world boss in a way.


As a warlock The Unseen are great to farm at lvl50 when the grindspots are overcrowded. I also used it for raid prep, when I quickly needed a lot of soulshards. Drops are not too good, but the dumb look in other players faces when you fight air is priceless. I even got reported for cheating once lol


son of arugal surely deserves a spot on this list.
anyone else agree?


Seeing C'thun's eye going from looking around the room to a focus glare at a player is one of the most scariest things in wow.


The Upside-Down Sinners area is actually accessible since Legion. You can and also have to unlock the crypt and go inside to get a secret mount called Lucid Nightmare.


Doing the lucid nightmare mount on a character allows access to the crypt as it takes you there


what about the goldshire kids forming a circle that goes to stormwind and end at a house with haunting music and horror sounds and threats that you will die


Stitches and upsidedown sinners should be swapped.


The roar of the Fel Reaver is terrifying, but I can't put it ahead of the battle shriek of Sinistar. Now that was nightmare-inducing.


If Classic turns out to be successful, it would be nice if Blizzard decides to finish some things they left hanging in the game, like the Karazhan Crypts. Then again, all the original Blizzard guys have left the company...


When I first ran across Stitches, I realized that the WoW tips of "stay on the road to avoid enemies" were untrue. From that point on, I suffered immensely by playing by Lord of the Rings rules and "staying OFF the road". It was a huge mind fuck because I always feared giant elite enemies on the road, and many NPC when travelling off road. I really hope someone else can relate to this. lol


i found WotLK Naxx to be pretty spooky due to Thaddius' screams. The echoing "Help me! Save me!", "Please stop...", and wailing was definitely creepy. It really added to the feeling of dread and the atrocities done to so many innocent people.


I would add Thaddius screams in Naxxramas :)!


Vash is by far my most favorite zone ever. It makes me sad that blizz won't do that again. I love it. It was so pretty and ominous.


to this day I STILL cannot understand the hatred towards that zone and have yet to meet someone who can articulate their displeasure other than "REEEE YOU STUPID!!!" followed by a mouth foaming tantrum seizure on the floor by them lol, that zone was pretty neat and I actually enjoyed it.


Never play WoW but the Whale Shark gives off the same vibe as the Emerald Weapon from Vinal Fantasy VII : A huge underwater monster that you really don't want to bump into.


Who would win:

1. An eldritch nightmare creature that drives gods and kings to madness.

2. One stitchy boi


i'm just here to tell yall that karazhan crypts can still be acessed on retail
all you need to do is to die near the main entrance, the first iron gate, go in as a spirit then you can pass through it, resurrect inside, then there;s the wooden gate
Instead of trying to pass the woden gate, there's some kind of a hole with a red, cauldron looking thing that blocks you from droping down
thing is, it too only blocks you if you're alive, so find a way to die inside, again
I sugest you open the "Help" menu and use "Unstuck", it will kill you, die near the red thing, go inside again as a ghost, PASS the red thing (you will most probably be on a ghost gryphon) then ress, and BAM, you're inside
