Godot 3.2 | Custom Shader Materials, Responsive Grass, Water and Dissolve Shader | W.I.P #1
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Sneek Peek of my work with Shader Materials for Godot 3.2.2
Worked a bit on my Game, with heavy focus on Custom Shader Materials.
I'm super proud of the Water and Sword Materials and took me quite a while to learn Godot Shader language.
Moreover I learned proper use of the Animationtree which makes my Crappy Animations look slightly better.
Clothphysics seem to work quite well since Godot 3.2
Exept small parts of the Grass Shader and some Textures, everything was created by myself.
Water Shader based on LetsGameDev Tutorial(German):
Dissolve Shader Based on GDQuest Tutorial:
Was sich auf Tomate Reimt, ich sags dir morgen.
Worked a bit on my Game, with heavy focus on Custom Shader Materials.
I'm super proud of the Water and Sword Materials and took me quite a while to learn Godot Shader language.
Moreover I learned proper use of the Animationtree which makes my Crappy Animations look slightly better.
Clothphysics seem to work quite well since Godot 3.2
Exept small parts of the Grass Shader and some Textures, everything was created by myself.
Water Shader based on LetsGameDev Tutorial(German):
Dissolve Shader Based on GDQuest Tutorial:
Was sich auf Tomate Reimt, ich sags dir morgen.
Godot 3.2 | Custom Shader Materials, Responsive Grass, Water and Dissolve Shader | W.I.P #1
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