Programming Cheap Bluetooth Module With Arduino | PCB From

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How to program NRF51822/NRF52840 using Arduino IDE? How to setup Arduino IDE for Nordic semiconductor NRF51/NRF52?
NRF5 board support to Arduino IDE is installed using this repository by Sandeep Mistry (Written installation instructions can be found in github):
BLEPeripheral -library can be installed using Arduino IDE's library manager, or it can be found here:
SOFTDEVICE IS NEEDED! Check installation instructions at:
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NRF5 board support to Arduino IDE is installed using this repository by Sandeep Mistry (Written installation instructions can be found in github):
BLEPeripheral -library can be installed using Arduino IDE's library manager, or it can be found here:
SOFTDEVICE IS NEEDED! Check installation instructions at:
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Check out my other videos:
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