Hypatia Biography - Hellenistic Neoplatonist Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician

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Hypatia Biography - Hellenistic Neoplatonist Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician

Hypatia a (Ὑπατία: Alexandria, 355 or 370-ibid., March 415 or 4161) was a Greek Neoplatonic philosopher and teacher, a native of Egypt, who excelled in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and head of the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria at the beginning of the 5th century. Follower of Plotinus, she cultivated logical studies and exact sciences, leading an ascetic life. She educated a select school of Christian and pagan aristocrats who held high positions, among which the bishop Sinesio of Cyrene, who maintained an important correspondence with her, stand out, Hesychius of Alexandria and Orestes, prefect of Egypt at the time of his death.

Daughter and disciple of the astronomer Theon, Hypatia was one of the first mathematical women in history.4 She wrote on geometry, algebra and astronomy, improved the design of the primitive astrolabes - instruments to determine the positions of the stars on the celestial vault. and invented a hydrometer, which is why she is considered a pioneer in the history of women in science.

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