The importance of the first three days of your quit

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Video highlights the fact that while the intensity and exact duration of physical withdrawals can vary widely when first quitting smoking, that any peak symptoms will ease up once the person gets through the first three days.

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It’s different for everyone. DAY6 was the worst for me.
Although it was more than a year ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. It was absolutely brutal.
What worked for me is doing things that never involved smoking.
I smoked heavily for 37 years. January 5 was my 1 year anniversary since quitting.
Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can.


I quit smoking after i had the belief after watching alot of your videos that it is a drug addiction. Thanks alot for making me understand it.


I quit smoking 7 years ago thanks to Joel's videos! Thank you so thing I ever did.


No worries Joel :) I am on day 335 and counting ^^


Hi Joel! In april, it will be 3 years since my last puff! On the third day of my quit, I attended my first BBQ to which I was invited after starting the quit and I was there, as a non smoker! The feeling of "nothing is going to be fun anymore" was the biggest lie that my addiction was whispering into my ears when I was considering quitting and it was shattered just like that. Now I tell people, that they should quit for a month and then make a sober decision if they want to go back or not. Thank you for everything!


Thank you, Joel. It’s been 1 yr 7 months. I still watch your videos off and on because I never want to blow this quit. I also tell others who talk about quitting about you and how you helped me to understand my addiction so I could make informed decisions on quitting. Thank you. You save lives.


Just thought I’d let you know joe that your videos really inspired me to stop smoking and I’ve not looked back once since the day I last had a cigarette.


Yes true. Sit out that first 72 hrs, it will pass. Anything else after that is only psychological triggers and associations with smoking that you once had which you can also break by doing them every day and it will get easier. I reach 2 years smoke free in March. Your videos are always a great resource to revisit time to time for just reinforcement in general. NTAP.

* I think your audio is a little low with this video and sometimes with some others. Just thought i'd mention.
Thanks again, Joel.


This channel and your website is proving very helpful! Thanks for what you do.


Hi Joel, I popped by your channel to see how you are getting on and to add an idea for a video I've been thinking of. See, I remember how dangerous my driving was when I quit the smokes (a friend of mine crashed his car recently, while in the first week of quitting nicotine, through losing his temper). Road rage and risk taking are two VERY real possibilities in the first week of a quit. People need to realise that, especially as irritability and even aggression are not uncommon in those first few days (indeed the brain can seek conflict or rage to try and get that adrenaline rush, to compensate for the lack of a nicotine hit every twenty minutes or so). So people, if you are driving in those first few days, don't let traffic or someone cutting you off get a hold of you; take it easy and if anything, drive more carefully and slower.


Thank you so much for these helpful videos. Hope I can keep going on quitting smoking.


I quit smoking 7 years ago finally thanks to you Joel! I recommend your whyquit website to everyone. I tried so many times before and failed, including NRT, Acupuncture and Easy way. I used to read your articles and watch your videos all the time, I felt good about myself when I quit, though I went through the usual motions of quitting but the cravings really don't last long. The psychology of quitting was the hardest. There would at times be triggers and cravings but I embraced them. I soon realized that everytime I experienced a craving and did not smoke, I was healing. Soon those cravings stopped all together. I can safely say I do not miss smoking at all! I only wish I'd known the truth earlier and just got on with it. Your message, and understanding all the truths about smoking, and the science of it are the key to your method I believe.


I relapsed after 2yrs. It started off slowly a cigarette here there when ever someone was around me smoking Id take a drag then Id smoke half a cigarette then awhole one. Eventualy I bought a pack & now I smoke first thing in the morning & b4 bed only. Well its been a year of that! Ive finaly made up mind to quit again!! Ive compromised & bargained with my addiction long enough!


My 4th time withdrawal was 9 days of no sleep. Now I'm at my 5th time of withdrawal (day 3) and almost zero sleeping problems.


Tried to quit today but came up with numerous excuses 🙁 going to try again tomorrow 🤞. Really loving your videos 😊


Hey Joel. Great video. I'm quitting today but my case is a bit different. I've got a brain injury and suffer with metal health problems. I find it difficult to go for 2 hours without a cigarette. I'm obsessed with them. The longest I've gone without a cigarette is 8 days and that was on champix. Day 1 tomorrow.


I was doing really well & then i don't know like a fool of myself & started again....


Almost done with day 1 of quitting chewing tobacco for the 2nd time. First time I quit for about 6 months and started again after moving. Dumb choice. Now I have to go through this again. The mental fog is the absolute worst in my opinion. I can deal with cravings, agitation, boredom, energy levels, headaches, etc.. But the brain fog makes everything worse. Can't think straight, can't express myself to other people, can't rationalize my quit to myself, can't focus at work..

But I know I'll make it though. I pretty much just look at the withdrawals as an illness and the only cure is to ride it out. Makes it easier for me to an extent. For a second I pretend that I'm a little bug just reacting to stimuli, and I don't give myself the free will to choose to go to the store and buy another can.


The body's response to quitting smoking is really diffrerent per individual


thanks so much Joel, you are saving lives. Today is day one of quitting smoking, its 1:36 and I want to smoke so badly. Last time I quit I got so angry that I was afraid I would tell my boss to F off so I started smoking again. Im so afraid Ill get really angry again. I feel angry now. It just sits there, the anger and seems to grow. I dont have an outlet for it. How do you keep your resolve? My mind is telling me screw it, have a smoke and try again on Monday. I really dont want to quit but ive smoked for over 40 years and I dont want to die either. Can you recommend free online groups that I can post my struggles on? Thank you again, Im holding on for dear life.
