IVF | FAQs | What are Do's and Don'ts after Embryo Transfer? #drmalpani #ivftreatment

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One of the commonest questions patients ask - " Doctor, what are the dos and don'ts after the embryo transfer? " They are very worried about the risk of failure and are petrified that they may end up doing something which will cause their embryos to "fall out" of the uterus. Many will often spend the entire 2 weeks wait obsessing about their diet and physical activity. Some will even put themselves on voluntary house arrest. Even worse, their relatives will often force them to sleep in a bed for 14 days after the transfer.

Watch the video to know some of the tips on what to do and what not to do when you’re on your 2-week wait post embryo transfer.

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Thanks alot for all clear and best information and your positive atitutude towards ivf


Dear ladies please take rest, I had to suffer as I bend down to pick my stuff from a lower table be cautious we invest our emotions and money and getting knocked down for such trivial issues could be depressing....please take rest least 24 hours after the transfer


Thank you soo much mam because today I do ivf after ivf I will get up my bed in 3 hours I really nerves because its come out but I watch your video I really hope and being normal thank u mam for ur hopeful speech


Neat and clear explanation. Thank you dr. I have a doubt that which frozen embryo is best day 3 or day 5? Bcoz i have watched so many videos stating that
day5 blastocyst stage embryo transfer is best like that. Please reply


Thank you so much for your helpful suggestions Doctor😍😍😍😍😍


I plan to have FET, Im a nurse, I work in a busy medical surgical floor hospital, on the day of my FET, I'm going to take 3 days off, but afterwards I'm going back to work in a medical surgical floor hospital.floor that involves pulling lifting. Its concerning me. I don't want to affect implantation


Hello mam. I am a teacher who is taking online classes now. Can I sit for a longer time while taking the classes after my embryo transfer? Or should I be in complete bed rest?


Putting little pressure while paasing stool can affect embryo's???
Please answer


Can I undergo a dental procedure like filling, Root canal treatment or capping during the two week wait after FET?


Embryo transfer done. This is 6th day, grade 1 (10cell) grade 2 (10 cell with 5% frag )two embryos are transferred sir. Wt is the success rate sir. My age is 30. I'm little nervous about my coming results. Beta hcg is on 13th October


Sir do severe constipation affect embryo ?does it get disloged if we strain a lot for passage of stool...please sir reply🙏


Today my 8days of ET. When I sneeze sometimes it's hurt my lower abdomen. Is there any risk to embryo fall out. I am tensed


Can we bend and taking things from down is anything will happens ??? And how to do shower sitting position on stool or standing can do??? Please reply


In my first transfer on Day 7 after the transfer I had a little spotting. Is this a concern, my doctor said no. I had a positive test afterwards, but lost the baby at 9 weeks


Hello dr. Can i sleep on my sides after the transfer or it has to be on the back only?


Can we use heating pad on my lower abdomen after embryo transfer?


Hello mam..My frozen embryo transfer has been done on 1st of May and I have a common white discharge problem so will that effect on my embryo?


It's been two days since embryo transfer and im facing severe lower back pain.. can i take any medication?


Thank you dr for your explanation. I've been afraid if something happened to my embryo as I wake up to toilet just after my procedure ET end (full bladder issue as I need to pee so hard) and thank you for reassurance. However, I'm on crinone after ET, can I insert my finger into my vagina just to clean residual crinone before reinsert new crinone? Is it okay?


Dr please this is my 3dpT5D
Am worried about my sleeping position.
Is there a particular sleeping position that won’t hurt the embryo?
It’s 3 days and am not seeing any implantation bleeding
