10 Steps to Growing Most of Your Own Food (In Less Than 10 Hours A Week)

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Set real attainable goals that WILL get accomplished.
Time the work of your chicken with your garden planting.
Slap together an incredible greenhouse (it’s easier than you think)
Start seeds in soil blocks in the greenhouse while the chickens prep the garden.
Build a mobile chicken coop according to your garden and/or flock size.

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ChickShaw MiniMe Plans:

DIY Chicken Tractor Plans:

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Another use for pumpkin: Pumpkin Apple Muffins! Take your favorite banana bread recipe. Substitute the banana with the same amount of pureed pumpkin. Substitute pumpkin spice for the spice you use in the bread recipe. Core and chop up an apple and add to the batter. Bake as you would for the banana bread, or use a muffin tin for muffins. Soooo good!


This is what I plan to accomplish, grow most of my food. 🙌🏾🙏🏾🖤🇧🇸


Cucumber salad with garlic, salt pepper, olive oil, acv and fresh(frozen)dill....yumm!
Thanks Justin! Hugs to you all!


Vision board...yes!!! Habakkuk 2:4 write the vision and make it plain! We have a vision board and we make a goal board at the beginning of each year we hang on our fridge and check off each goal God blesses us with through the year!


Here are my 2022 goals! Not sure if I’ll reach all of them but I will definitely be pursuing & achieving a lot of them!

* Start a garden
* Grow potatoes, pumpkins, onions, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries) fruit trees
* expand/Grow my compost
* Get at least 2 chicken tractors built
* Start a worm bin (worm casting)
* Build a better chicken brooder / hatch & raise my own birds
* Raise more egg layers
* Start selling eggs
* Read at least 5 books
* Start or get ready to start raising and butchering my own poultry


I used newspaper to make pots last year for my seedlings and it worked really well. Just save any plastic rectangle or square shaped bowls from take out and frozen dinner type stuff to place your pots in for stability. It's an option if you don't want to invest in a soil blocker your first year.


LuvUjustin... and your beautiful family!!! You are my favorite homesteading family!!! I don't have a homestead... I have a tiny home and live on a tiny home community lot that doesn't allow chickens :( but use SO many of your processes. LuvUguys!!!


Hello Justin! This was so educational as well as inspirational! We just ordered our seed last week! This made us excited for the upcoming garden season! We have a little 8’ x 8’ greenhouse we made on wheels! It works great for us! We hope to show it on our channel soon! Thank you so much for the inspiration! Our goats and sheep are having their babies now! I am a fourteen year old that is the voice behind our channel! Blessings to you!


I am sure you are never lacking in something to do... BUT 🥰🤣❤
As your dear hubby described some of the ways you prepare your farm fresh food, I was thinking...If she had a cookbook, I would SO buy it!! ☺
Your recipes sound fantastic!! Please send me a reply if this is something you would consider adding to your to-do list!


What fun to revisit a video from years ago. Watching you kids and the little ones grow over the years has been one of my guilty pleasures. It has been like having a secret family my blood kin don't know about. Your "10 hours a week or less" was what reeled me in initially. Keep the dream alive, and thanks for sharing.


We grew, fished, and hunted. At my grandparent's homestead, we grew more than we could consume, can, sell, give. Same at my mother's place. Am an old man but working to get several acres productive again. Seems like the right thing to do...


Thank you. Very helpful. Will be having chickens again this summer but planning on changing our system. Wishing you and yours the best from Manitoba, Canada


Sustainability is being able to produce your own food and be self sufficient, not necessarily a healthier way of making a product. We need to bring back the value of homemade/ homegrown things. Especially realizing their true value! Very inspiring!


This is one of your best videos. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. God Bless.


OMGOODNESS 😁 my daughter (weaverville) and I (East Asheville) just discovered that you are local to us!! WNC has a climate All it's own and we are both new to gardening/homesteading and are learning as we go... I am so Excited to find that you are in the same area 😊


Thanks for the ideas of the slap up green house. It is amazing to look back at what the farm looked like then and what you have done in the last few years . Mr. Brown sure has grown, he looks so little in this vlog.


Thank you for these tips ☺️. Praying for you and your family.


Dude, this is seriously inspiring... watched a hundred of your videos, and never commented to thank you, but THANK YOU! My wife and I no longer buy chicken at the grocery and are adding egg chickens this year... we only have 1 acre. Never thought food security would be this attainable!


I like to fill the squash halves with dried fruits, brown sugar (make syrup got too expensive) cinnamon, and choices and topped with bacon and bake. Smells awesome as well.


Amazing information for a newbie with a tiny side yard. Thank you.
