Do prophets literally “talk with God?” Ep. 22

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In this episode, Dave talks about some of the common misconceptions concerning modern (and ancient) prophets. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the “Mormons”) believe modern prophets “talk with God.” But what does that mean? The Bible teaches us that discerning the will of God can happen in many ways. It could be powerful dreams, visions, angelic visitations, or (more often than not) it can be more subtle. Oftentimes God’s will is revealed through discussion and collaboration in councils, as exemplified in the Bible.


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I loved this. It used to confuse me I grew up Evangelical Lutheran so yeah prophets was not taught about or the first testimony lol. But I love and believe in prophets now. I have also experienced personal revelation. So that made me believe more that god talks to us today.


This video is great. I know prophets are needed in today's world of changing opinions on morality and family structure. There are many other issues that they give us counsel and revelation on. I couldn't imagine a world without a prophet to share God's will to us. I know President Nelson is a true prophet of God!


You answered some questions for me, thanks


This definition of a prophet is fundamentally different than the church’s historical definition. This idea in the church represents a major change in theology. My generation was taught directly and clearly that Jesus visited the church leaders perhaps not often, but regularly. And gave them instructions. And an apostle had to have seen Jesus face to face, otherwise he could not be a special whiteness of Christ. This description makes the sincere and righteous leaders of all other churches prophets also. And every person seeking inspiration from God in their lives also prophets. You’d be in some pretty deep trouble with the church if you taught this 50 years ago.


This video is an answer to prayers! Keep up the good work


I often have to remind myself of this after these last few years…


Is there any way I could personally dialogue with Dave? I would love to speak with him one on one


When Present Nelson says ”What does it mean to be the Prophet?” And he answers “It means he speaks for God” I need to hold what they say to a higher standard. I’m not talking about what they said over dinner in private company, Im talking about what they teach to members. When you are talking about the literal word of God it matters. They can’t be held to the lesser standard we have for everyone else because what they say can literally be “bound on earth and in heaven”. There words affect everyone’s soul and salvation. How can you not hold them to a higher standard? Where much is given much is expected.


That doesn't make sense so essentially everyone is to become a prophet because we are all to talk to God and receive truth not just a few "prophets"


The beard looks very nice on your mug. I have had my face coat for a couple years now and it looks very becoming on my semi old face @64, better yet my main squeeze of 42 years says it looks very becoming on my mug.


Prophet John spoke of today book of Revelation book of Daniel Isaiah . ..


I like Numbers 12 which Jehova chastised Aaron and Miriam as to what a prophet is.


prophets are people that come from god


The wheels within wheels..the eyes all around..the flaming humanoid seraphim at center of it...I swear this true on my soul or may I burn for eternity so help me God.


What about all the doctrines Young wrote that were racist and resulted in racial discrimination inside the church until 1970 something? Why make it so easy to forget about these things instead of acknowledging the mistakes of the church?


I also believe that there are people living on moon, and it was great to know the prophet probably seen a vision about it or was told by relevation. And it is true, you can find how people spill government secrets. And for people who just dont care it can be something hard to imagine maybe.


Spiritual battles began from some countries.. All Christians of the world must prepare for the tribulations & persecutions that are coming WAKE UP. Were waiting for the appearance of last king of this world period of time 3y & 6m start of counting (BLASPHEMY) and the appearance of prophets of GOD one came from ends of the earth, the isles afar off, the queen of the south having signs, wonders & miracles and have the power to shut the heaven and it rained not in the days of his prophecy (PHILIPPINES)... Psalms 2:8 Isaiah 42:10-12, matthew 12:41-42.. End time PROPHET of GOD with spirit of PROPHET ELIJAH.


Yes prophets or real today but you got false prophet also


Your points are valid. As you say, culture changes all the time to some extent. When I was 7 it used to be normal for me to go into the store and buy tobacco for my parents, and wasn’t seen as wrong then. Now it would be. And that is within a very short period of time. Imagine the differences over huge periods of time. It’s one thing that annoys me about people is that they apply modern sensibilities to past events that were surrounded by different perspectives that harmonised with that particular era.
And in many ways what is right and wrong is fluid rather than exact. It depends upon the culture of the time. Whatever Paul said about women not teaching, probably wasn’t sexist. It’s simply that men and women are made differently and both fit roles most suited to their own unique biology. There are things women excel at that women probably wouldn’t be well suited to. I don’t know everything about the likes of Joseph Smith. Although once I heard about his claim that he had a book written by Abraham was debunked with the surviving papyri, that is the downfall of the LDS claim to been Gods true church. There hasn’t been any recorded cases of bible prophets claiming to have received prophecy and then getting it wrong. For me that is the clearest difference. But I still have a lot of respect for the LDS church and it seems to have loads of nice people as part of it


It's true prophets have their faults. Many of the examples you give are good but you give the impression that Noah was a nudist. True it says he was asleep naked after getting drunk but it was his son that uncovered him
