Amazingly Simple Free Filament Dryer -You already have one!

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What if i told you that you already have everything you need to assemble one of the best filament dryers available? Don't believe me? In this video i'll show you how, with a combination of very simple principles, we can all dry filament without an oven for free.



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Ender 3 v2 3d Printer


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An experienced design engineer once said to me "If you are adding simplicity or removing complexity your design is going in the right direction, if you are adding parts and complexity it's a sign that you should review your design" This sums that idea up for me!


I did this! I had two failed prints and didn't know why...on one printer the filament (PLA) broke and got stuck in the tube. Not knowing my filament needed to be dried, I moved it over to my second printer and restarted my print. The filament was being shredded going into the extruder (swollen) and broke again. I asked in a social media group what was going on..someone told me to dry my filament. I don't have a dryer so I Googled how to do it without one...and found your video. I gave it a try...and the next day the filament printed flawlessly! Thank you so much!!!!


The thumbs up button wasn't enough. I love things that are smart and save me money. Thank you so very much.


I just came here to say that not all heroes wear capes, but I’d chip in for a cape for you if you wanted one. Because you’ve earned it.


Coming back to say that this technique truly is a miracle! Not a single filament, the old ones and the cheap ones, resist to it. I get better result from filaments I had almost 7 months ago after this than brand new ones. Thanks again!


Instead of working outside the box, you used the box.
Simply ingenious and effective. You've earned yourself a thumbs-up, a new subscriber, and a $5 tip. Keep up the great work!


Now that is "thinking within the box"....

Excellent, I'm going to give this a whirl - maybe turbo it with an extractor fan, maybe print a cover that fits snug over the spool - you've definitely got my creative juices flowing!


As someone who is just now getting into 3d printing, thank you sooo much for this. I surely would have went out and purchased a filament dryer sooner or later and this just saves me money and space.


3 years later and your video is still a lifesaver for people who have just joined the hobby, like me. Thanks man


I have seen many mind blowing, amazing life hacks on YouTube, but this one beats pretty much all of them :D
Thank You sir! :)


I "built" this yesterday and I was quite amazed how good this works. I had a wet roll of PETG which came very wet from the factory. I couldn't even finish my calibration prints, it was popping all the time and the models just crumbled. Let it sit on the bed at 65C ovenight and it now prints great.
I already have 28 of your dryboxes made, so thank you for those also. I use the 5l variant of the storage box because I don't use the somewhat big dehumidifiers but rather silica in Nylon "Organza" Bags.
Thanks a lot, you made my life easier!


Thanks mate! I just dried my PETG spool for about 4 hours and it worked like a charm! I just had to set the bed to 95C to keep the temperature inside the box around 65C


You just saved me 40-50 bucks, i think that deserves a subscription


Great simple idea. Also, if you use a cardboard box that is uncoated, the cardboard will absorb moisture from the inside and wick it to the outside to evaporate which will make it even more efficient.


Your videos about drying filament are always great. I've already printed 4 dry boxes and they are working great keeping the moisture at 10%. This is amazing!!!


I came back after trying out the method, just to Tell you that it works really really well! My small anycubic printer kept messing up prints, warping and all kinds of stupid incomprehensible crap. After drying the filament with your method it printed perfectly, INSTANTLY!! Thanks, man, you rock!!


Brilliant! That is one of those great "Why didn't I think of that?" inventions. Thanks for sharing!


Fantastic video. I nearly bought a Sunlu Plus filament dryer as they were only £19 on a well known Chinese site. The cheaper price for it concerned me.
I found a cardboard box that the spool fitted in and fortunately it fitted on the heated plate nicely. I did put a few holes in the top. I then realised that by turning the box over would let the hot humid air out and replace it with the room air, (I did this every hour for 6 hours). This is where the air comes from when the hot damp air rises and leaves the box through the holes anyway.
The spool stopped the filament touching the plate and dried it out nicely.
My prints had got to the stage I was almost going to give up on the Ender 3 S1. Now I love it again.
I realised that paper and cardboard won't burn until much higher temps so I used it to keep the heat below the bed trapped in. I'll install insulation under the plate in future.
Then I realised that in the software I can turn off the injector head temp to under room temp and the fan to off. So the only power was for the heated bed.
I can't find a way to upload the images of the 2 prints, but they are night and day.
I had read on the web that PLA doesn't take on much moisture and you don't need to worry about it.
PLA needs to be dried out. I nearly bunged my printer, when it was 2 year old filament that had gone damp. I had noticed that it snapped most times I came back to the printer, now hopefully it won't.
Now I think I'll get some vacuum bags to store the dried filament in with some silica gel. I don't think PLA will be affected by moisture during a print of 4 or 5 hours, I think it would take days. I'll learn over time.


Thank you for these amazing tips! I was frustrated with the cheap filament I bought during a clearance sale—it was brittle and kept breaking. After trying this trick, the filament is much better now and prints without breaking. Plus, I don’t have to buy those ridiculously expensive filament dryers. Thank you!


it's awesome! I just tested it and it works very well! For TPU it's very important to dry it before use, this idea is perfect!
