This kidnapping is why the Amber Alert exists today…

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This is a story time that will make your heart sink….so when I was 7-8 I was at the park with my friend Emily around 8:39 pm and it was dark this man had walked up to me and Emily and asked if we wanted to walk around and chat we said yes because we weren’t taught “stranger danger” yet because we were exited about walking with this man and not scared of the world, we were

( there’s more) If your wondering where my mom was the whole time, my mom ended up having a panic attack and passing out hitting her head on the bathroom floor (very hard) my neighbor had gotten the alert and rushed down to the park, she wanted to get my mom and knowing her condition the front door was only open when our amazing neighbor Juliet was around because she knew her 7 year old could not take care of her disease, Juliet saw mom on the floor but was worried about us more than. My mom (she had checked my mom to see no fadle injuries or bruises), she rushed down to the park to see the man trying to open the car door when we had come back, fast forward to when we were coming back home Juliet took us home to get mom and get her to bed and get water, Juliet and me (now a teenager have the closet bond ever) be safe baddies ❤️!

And yes I did edit some of the story due to bad grammar and very unrecognized script and very little effort or detail❤️ and yes this is a true story byeee!!


I feel bad for her parents, everytime they get an amber alert on their phone, I bet it's like a reminder.


The fact that this alert exists really says a lot about the world and how crappy it is r.i.p amber and thank you for saving so many people


When i listened to a YouTuber cover this case, they had an interview clip where Amber’s mother said any time a child is saved because of an amber alert, she goes to her daughter’s grave to tell her that she (Amber) saved another.


My dad was friends with Amber’s dad. My dad told me how he remembers Amber’s dad showing up at our doorstep sweaty and concerned. He asked if Amber was at our house, and my dad said no, asking him what’s going on. I don’t remember a lot sorry but basically long story short my dad knew Amber and my dad spent ages looking for her when he found one of her shoes near a creek…you probably understand the rest.


Man I feel so bad for her parents bc when they get a amber alert it’s probably like a constant reminder. I’m so sorry for their loss. Rip Amber🥺😥🙏❤️


I grew up and currently live in Arlington TX (where amber got kidnapped) growing up I always heard stories about her, and her kidnapping. In the parking lot she got taken from, there are still murals that artists have painted for her over the years.. makes me tear up every time I drive by :( Rest in peace Amber❤️


What's sad is that a lot of kidnappers will see the amber alert for their victim, panic and kill them on the spot


A lot of times these days it's a relative 😢

I think the reason is that it's been shown in a short period of time, iy helps save the child .

One of the saddest amber alerts was this past winter. I think. The "boyfrirnd" killed the child's mother and then kidnapped the child. The mother had been planning on leaving him 😢


This is honestly so sad the fact that the killer was never found is even more heartbreaking … I have three kids and would not be able to live on thru the fact that my babies killer is still out there and I’m without child 😢 my heart goes out to the family and relatives that caused this to be of worry … 😔 people are so sick


My friend was kidnapped before while I was with them. I was in fourth grade and didn’t really understand what was going on. We were at the park, it was near the edge of the woods. My friend had a phone so our parents went for coffee and told us to stay at the playground. Us, being kids, HAD to go the woods next to the playground now that they had said that. We ventured in, pretending to be explorers who lives in the trees. A strange man in ratty clothing approached us. he started following us, which I thought wasn’t a big deal until he followed us for like 10 whole minutes. I turned around to look at him and his hand was trying to grab the hood of my friends clothing. I screamed and yanked her away and we started sprinting as fast as we can deep into the woods. I tripped and fell into a river or something like that and I thought i was going to die. My friend didn’t fall in and continued running. I was swept downstream. The last thing i saw before i was swept away was her eyes widening as she saw that i had fallen in the river. I was hit by rocks and stuff but I managed to climb out. I wandered through the woods and came across and parking lot. A woman drove me to the police station, and I remember waking up in a waiting room chair. My parents and her parents came and the police looked for my friend. She was found at a train station with the man.


Considering a couple actually answered the Amber alert and saved the little girl is a good reason it exits.


Ok ok so here's a story for u

When I was 10
My mom did NOT care if I was out with my friends as long as I wasn't by myself

So one day me and my friends Jessica and Leah went to a school play

After that JESSICA of course wanted ice cream

And since it was only a five minute walk we decided to go

And Leah and Jessica weren't rlly friends so she was always quiet

So while me and Jessica were talking we didn't really look behind us and by the time we were in the ice cream store parking lot Leah WAS GONE

We searched for an hour before finding Leah hiding in A BUSH saying a man kidnapped her but she was able to escape and said he was looking for her

We still don't know if she was lying but that day we just ran home and don't rlly talk abt it

Rip amber

Thank u for reading


I was just 11 years old when I heard about this story. It broke my heart and the nightmares her little brother probably has knowing he was so close. Her name was Amber and her mother name was Donna. People would joke about this with me and they were so mean. I told them its not funny. She was only 9 years old. Think about your families. Think about her family and what they are going though. For about three years after this happen, I would hear jokes about this because My name is Amber and my mom name is Donna. Because of Amber so many kids have been saved. R.I.P Amber may the Lord keep you forever and always save. 🙏💔♥️


I have had Amber Alert systems on my phone from time to time. I am not surprised that it came from this tragic story about Amber Hagerman. I personally thank the Amber Alert system for saving thousands of Children's live because of her legacy. If a alert system like that existed back when Amber Hagerman was kidnapped, her life would've been spared in my humble opinion.


Wait he wasn’t caught ? This is insane with everything from DNA to the existence of profilers im sure this man did it again and again and even before amber to be so bold to take her infront of her brother


Evil pedophiles are everywhere dont let your young kids be alone outside folks and keep them from getting stalked online


“So how did you die?”
“I was kidnapped”
“You saved a LOT of lives ya know?”


“The man who kidnapped Amber has still not been caught to this day”

👁 👄 👁


So basically ever since she got kidnapped the amber alert exists...and she basically is the one that saved the lives of all these kids ❤️
